
You can use the Part and IP Classification configuration to multiclassify the parts. The multiclassification is supported during upload of parts from ECAD library to 3DEXPERIENCE and vice versa.

This page discusses:

Part Upload

A part from an ECAD Library can be classified into more than one part family in 3DEXPERIENCE as shown in this XML code example.

Example 1: all parts coming from the ECAD library ECAD_IC will be multiclassified into two part families, ASIC from Libarary1 and DIODE from Libarary2, in 3DEXPERIENCE.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<pemapping xmlns:xsi="" 

          <modify value="description" name="DESCR" target=""/> 
          <class value="ECAD_IC"> 
                <removeSpecialAttribute target="attribute" name=""/> 
                <setSpecialAttribute value="/Library1/IC/ASIC|/Library2/IC" 

Example 2: all parts coming from the ECAD library ALS are multiclassified into two part families, “ALS" and "ALS TEST” in 3DEXPERIENCE. An attribute check is performed. If the attribute SymCount with value 1 exists, then parts are classified to the 3DEXPERIENCE part family IC. The parts are multiclassified into three part families in 3DEXPERIENCE.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<pemapping xmlns:xsi="" 

          <class value="als"> 
               <modify value="Part" target=""/> 
               <removeSpecialAttribute target="attribute" name=""/> 
               <setSpecialAttribute value="/Libarar1/IC/ALS|Library1/IC/ALS TEST"
               <attribute name="SymCount" value="1"> 
                       <specialAttribute name="" value="(Library1/IC/ALS)([|])
                                        (Library1/IC/ALS.*)" regexpid="v"> 
                             <setSpecialAttribute value="${v.value[0]}| Library1/IC" 
          <modify value="Part Name" name="Part_Name" target=""/> 
          <modify value="Path" name="Path" target=""/> 
          <modify value="Tkl" name="Tkl" target=""/> 
          <modify value="Symbol" name="SymCount" target=""/> 

Part Download

A part from part family in 3DEXPERIENCE an ECAD Library can be classified into more than one as shown in this example XML code.

Example: all parts coming from the 3DEXPERIENCE Part Family DIOD are multiclassified into two ECAD libraries, ECAD_DIODE1 and ECAD_DIODE2.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<pemapping xmlns:xsi="" 
          <modify name="ECADVALUE" value="VALUE" target="" /> 
          <modify name="description" value="DESCR" target="" />
          <specialAttribute value="/Library1/DIODE" name=""> 
               <modify value="ECAD_DIODE1" target="" /> 
               <specialAttribute value="/Library1/DIODE" name=""> 
                    <modify value="ECAD_DIODE2" target="" /> 