Installing the Connector for Cadence OrCAD Client

Install the Connector for Cadence OrCAD client on each computer that will run Cadence OrCAD.

Before you begin: These are the system requirements:

Table 1. System Requirements
Environment Program
Cadence OrCAD Environment Cadence OrCAD Capture CIS17.2 HF38
3DEXPERIENCE Products XCADDesignConnector
Connector for Cadence OrCAD
  • Connector for Cadence OrCAD
  • Connector for Cadence OrCAD CIS Library
Java Environment Java JRE 1.8 64-bit
Important: Visual C++ Redistributables: The Visual C++ 2008 and Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package must already be installed on the client computer. If not, download it from the Microsoft product site and install it.
Note: For 64-bit operation, the 32-bit Visual C++ Redistributable Pages must be installed.

  1. Log in as a user with administrative privileges.
  2. Execute these files: ConnectorforCadenceOrCAD.exe and ConnectorforCadenceOrCADCISLibrary.exe.
  3. After reviewing the guidelines, click Next.
  4. Specify where to install the Connector for Cadence OrCAD client software, then click Next.
  5. Choose a shortcut folder where product icons will be created, then click Next. The Start Menu will use the specified location.
  6. Choose an installation type. This type determines the installation path of the Connector commands.

    Option Description
    LOCAL Installs with the local OrCAD installation. Use this option for single user access.
    ADMIN Installs at a site configured path for access by multiple users in a CDS_SITE based environment. Each user can edit a local script to point to the shared location.

    The menu entries are installed in the connector installation directory (Example: C:\ConnectorforCadenceOrCAD\_admin_scripts).

  7. Click Next.
    The software is installed and a summary displays.
  8. Click Done.
    The installer creates a PDMBRIDGE_ALLEGRO environment variable that points to the installation directory of the Connector for Cadence OrCAD.
  9. If you chose ADMIN for the installation type, perform these steps:
    1. Copy the contents of the _admin_scripts folder to the path where the CDS_SITE is configured.
    2. Merge the contents of the <CDS_SITE_PATH>\_admin_scripts\cdssetup\concept\concepthdl.scr file with the same file in C:\Cadence\SPB_17.2\share\cdssetup\concept\concepthdl.scr.
  10. For Allegro PCB SPB 17.2, set the CDSROOT environment variable needs to be set to execute the tasks from the Windows start menu (for example, CDSROOT= C:\Cadence\SPB_17.2).
    This environment variable allows the Connector tasks to be executed from the Windows start menu.
  11. Restart the computer. If you are also installing the Connector for Cadence OrCAD CIS Library, you can wait until installing that app before restarting.