Opening Related IDF

The Open Related IDF function initiates a checkout process. This menu opens up a checkout dialog with all versions of the related IDF model belonging to the current design.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: Log in to 3DEXPERIENCE using the Open option.

Opening Selected

You can check out the IDF model from 3DEXPERIENCE using the Open option

  1. Select Open from the IDF context menu.
    The files are checked out and then loaded in the directory specified in the dialog.
  2. You can change the checkout directory by selecting the path of the checkout directory using browse in the Checkout To field.
    The IDF Model is checked out from 3DEXPERIENCE and placed into the local checkout specified directory.
  3. Select one of the following:
    • Select OK.
    • Select Cancel.
    The files are placed in the design folder directly or they are checked out in the specified folder.

The IDF Model is checked out and placed in a designated directory.

Autoupdate with Latest IDF from 3D EXPERIENCE

You can check out the lates IDF model from 3DEXPERIENCE without any user interaction.

  1. Select Autoupdate with latest IDF from 3DEXPERIENCE.
  2. Select one of the following:
    • Select OK.
    • Select Cancel.
    The files are placed in the design folder directly or they are checked out in the specified folder.