Saving IDF

You can check IDF data into 3DEXPERIENCE.

  1. Select the Save IDF menu to open a dialog in 3DEXPERIENCE.
    The check-in page has a tree table for the CAD objects. The tree table for the objects selected has various columns displaying the information specific to the object in each row.
    Note: The hyperlink on the CAD object functions the same way as Explore In 3DEXPERIENCE.
  2. To save the design in 3DEXPERIENCE, assign the CAD object to a workspace.

    Before performing a save, click the Save To field and browse for the appropriate Workspace. Failing to do so will cause an error.

  3. Choose the applicable options to:

    Option Description
    Revise Creates a new revision of the object in 3DEXPERIENCE. You can select Next to create a new revision of the object or edit this field using your own revision.
    Selection Checkbox Allows you to select the objects for check-in.
    Type The type of object named in the IDF Model.
    Revision This column specifies the current revision of the object in 3DEXPERIENCE.
    Status The status of the object in 3DEXPERIENCE.
    • New - if the object does not exist in 3DEXPERIENCE.
    • Exists - if the object exists in 3DEXPERIENCE.
    • Modified - if the object was modified in Cadence.
    • Obsolete - if the design in the local system is older than the one in 3DEXPERIENCE.
    Locked By Specifies the user who holds the lock to the object in 3DEXPERIENCE.
    Save To The Save To field lets you assign a workspace folder in 3DEXPERIENCE to which the object will be checked in.
    Check in Comment You can enter any comment during the check-in operation. This will go as an attribute in the CAD object in 3DEXPERIENCE

    You can select different views of the page using this box. Any number of customized views are possible. The bottom panel of the check-in page shows Select Modified, Check-in, and Cancel.

  4. Select one of the following options in the bottom panel:
    • Select Modified
    • Check in
    • Cancel
  5. Choose one of the following options:
    • Save

      Saves selected CAD objects to 3DEXPERIENCE

    • Lock

      Locks selected CAD objects in 3DEXPERIENCE

    • Unlock

      Unlocks CAD objects in 3DEXPERIENCE

    • Cancel

      This function created a new revision of the entire project.

    • Revise to MANUAL

      A dialog appears where you can specify the revision that can be used as the new revision during check in to 3DEXPERIENCE

  6. Select one of the following context menu options to perform the task on the object.
    • Lock

      Locks the CAD object in 3DEXPERIENCE from the CAD Tool. The name of the user who locks the object is displayed in the Locked By field of the search dialog.

    • Unlock

      Unlocks the CAD object in 3DEXPERIENCE from the CAD Tool. The user's name is also reflected in the Locked By field.

    • Revise To NEXT

      This function creates a new revision of the entire project.

    • Revise To MANUAL

      A dialog appears where you can specify the revision that can be used as the new revision during check in to 3DEXPERIENCE.

  7. Click OK.

    • Show Details

    The details of the selected design document are displayed.

    All CAD objects will reflect the revision.
  8. Optional: Click Cancel.
    The operation is canceled and returns to the Save to the 3DEXPERIENCE dialog.

The IDF Model is checked into 3DEXPERIENCE.