Product Representation Instance

Instances of 3D Shape, drawing, markup, and other product representation reference inherit their behavior from the basic PLM object. For more information, see Representation Instance. Specific behaviors are described below.

This page discusses:

Instance of a Reusable or Nonreusable Product Representation Reference

By default, a representation reference is defined as "nonreusable" and can have only one instance. To create several instances of a representation reference, this representation reference must be defined as "reusable" (this operation is irreversible). For more information, see Representation Reference.

A product representation instance has a specific behavior: it can be associated with both reusable and nonreusable representation reference.

Important: Note that only reusable representation instances are displayed. Nonreusable representation instances are not displayed.
Instance of Display in UI
Reusable representation reference Yes
Representation reference No

By default, product representation instances are nonreusable, and are not visible in Product Structure Design.

Visu Secondary Stream

The Switch to Edit Mode and Switch to Visu mode commands use the secondary Visu stream to download only what is required for display.