
In the Product modeler, a publication is a port which publishes an object belonging to a product structure.

Publishing elements is the process of making an internal object of a product structure (geometry, parameter, another publication) available to different users. Publications are used to separate the design from the pointed object by offering a higher level of objects with characteristics similar to the actual object.

A publication is an accessible object, and therefore, can be used as a target for relationships.

This page discusses:

Published Objects

A publication can point the following objects:

  • Basic geometric primitives: points, lines, curves, planes
  • Sketch, body (to select a body, select one of the features it contains)
  • Generative Shape Design features: extrude surface, offset, join...
  • Free Style Features: planar patch, curve...
  • Parameters
  • Subelements of geometric elements (Part Design features): faces, edges, vertices, axes, extremities
  • Publication
  • Requirement, Functional, Logical, and Physical components: implements, layout, sheets...
  • Electrical features: branch, branch set, segments

A publication cannot point the following objects:

  • Product
  • Part
  • Shape
  • Geometrical sets

Publication Description

A publication contains the following inputs:

Input Optional or Mandatory Description
Name Mandatory

The name must be unique among the publications that are attached to the same product reference or representation reference. Once the publication is created, the name cannot change.

Owner Mandatory

The product reference (and representation reference) that aggregates the publication.

Note: You cannot create a publication on the representation of a 3D Part.
Published Object Optional -


A publication isolates the published object from the publishing object. If you delete or modify the published object, you can reroute the publication only, instead of rerouting one by one all the relations from the publishing object.

Example: When creating a new version, you need to reroute the broken links from version A to version B.

If you have linked objects to a publication, you can reroute only the publication to version B.

Note: The orange arrows represent semantic relations.