Lifecycle Operations with SOLIDWORKS Modeler

These sections describe how lifecycle commands are supported and propagated in SOLIDWORKS modeler and its child types.

This page discusses:

Table 1. Legend

These tables use the following icons:

Icon Meaning
Not supported
Not applicable

Supported Lifecycle Operations

The following table shows which lifecycle operations are available for this modeler and its child types, when you select the object in the first column.

For more information, see:

  • For dashboard apps: 3DEXPERIENCE Dashboard Apps: Lifecycle
  • For native apps: Collaborative Lifecycle User's Guide
Note: These guides describe the generic behavior of the commands. Any behavior specific to this modeler or one of its child types is described in the table.

Selected Object New New Revision New Branch New Revision From Duplicate Iterations Maturity Delete Subscribe to Collaborative Lifecycle Notifications
SOLIDWORKS Item (Physical Product)

You can use the New Revision From command with mono-configuration parts and assemblies only.

You can use the Duplicate command and its advanced options with assemblies, parts, and drawings.

When you duplicate a product structure containing external references, the original objects are used instead of duplicating the external references.

Propagation and Data Integrity

The following table describes whether lifecycle operations are propagated from parent to child objects when you select the object in the first column, in order to maintain data integrity among objects.

Selected Object New Revision New Branch New Revision From Duplicate Iterations Maturity Delete Subscribe to Collaborative Lifecycle Notifications

Propagated to the associated items.

Propagated to the associated items.

Propagated to the associated items.

SOLIDWORKS Item (Physical Product) Propagated to the family. When a new branch of a SOLIDWORKS part or assembly is created, a new product structure is created and is associated to a new family. Propagated to the family. Propagated to the family and also to the used items in the duplicated structure. Propagated to the family. Propagated to the family in case of the deletion of the last item(s) of the family.

Supported Contexts

The following table describes the 3DEXPERIENCE contexts in which the lifecycle and collaboration commands are supported for this modeler and its child types.

Environment New Revision New Branch New Revision From Duplicate Iterations Maturity Delete Subscribe to Collaborative Lifecycle Notifications
Dashboard Apps
Native Apps
Note: Can be compared, but cannot be restored.
MySession (for SOLIDWORKS Items only)