Options Shared by Step types
All Step types share the following options:
: the type of input for the step, which is described by a
sequence of InputData
. It can have the following values:
: all the objects already explored
: all the selected elements
: all the elements retrieved by a given step, described
by its StepReference.
- The PPRType(s) of the input objects,
(optional): 0 to
4 from the following types: Product, Manufactured Item, System, Operation, and Resource.
If none is defined, all the input objects are taken into account. This option enables
filtering objects from the InputData
to take into account only those of
the specified types.
Step type: AssignmentFilterCompletion
Completes with objects linked to the input objects by an assignment link. The following
options are available:
: Defines the direction of assignment
filter completion. It can have the following values:
Step type: AlternateCompletion
Completion with objects linked to the input objects by an alternate relation link. The
alternate relationship is conceptualized between two EBOM nodes or between two manufactured
item nodes. The following options are available:
: The completion is performed depending on the
type of the input and desired output objects. It is possible to get functional
manufactured item from one of its alternate functional manufactured item or get all
alternate functional manufactured items related to a functional manufactured item. Same
as the case with parts. So the AlternameCompletionType attribute can have one of the
following values:
: Get all alternate manufactured item or part
objects from the input manufactured item or part object
: Get the part or manufactured item object
from an alternate part or alternate manufactured item.
Step type: CandidateResourceCompletion
Completion with objects linked to the input objects by a Candidate Resource relation link.
Candidate Resource relation is between resources and systems or operations. The following
options are available:
: The completion is performed
depending on the type of input and the desired output objects. A Candidate Resource
relation can exist between a resource and a manufactured item, system or operation. In
order to support all possible cases OutputCompletionType attribute can have one of the
following values:
: Get a system or operation object
from the input candidate resource
: Get all candidate resources from
an input system or operation object.
Step type: CanUseResourceCompletion
Completion with objects linked to the input objects by a Can Use relation link. A Can Use
relation is between a resource and a manufactured item, system or operation. The following
options are available:
: The completion is performed depending
on the type of input and the desired output objects. A Can Use relation can exist
between a resource and manufactured item, system, or operation. In order to support all
possible cases OutputCompletionType attribute can have one of the following values:
: Get a manufactured item, system, or
operation object from the input capable resource.
: Get all capable resources from an
input manufactured item, system or operation object.
Step type: Expand
Expands the instance and reference children of the input objects. The following options are
(optional): true
if the
expanded children have to be expanded in the app, and true
Default is true
: the expanded children are available in the StepOutput
but are not visible. This option is only available if the input object is already
explored in the app. In this case the input data must be Selection. Otherwise, the user
should do a not visible Expand step and then an Explore step.
(optional): the number of levels to expand. Default
is 1. The minus 1 (-1) value is used for Expand All.
Step type: Explore
Explores all the input objects. The following option is available:
(optional): true
if only child objects
of the roots already explored must be added, false
otherwise. Default
is false
The WithinContext
option is also available through
Explore within Context of Existing Roots in > Manufacturing Finder to be used with standard Smart
Completion. If this option is activated and a filter has been applied on a root, only
child objects matching the filter criteria are explored under the root.
Step type: FastenersCompletion
Completes either with fasteners if parts are used as input objects, or with parts if
fasteners are used as input objects, navigating on mechanical constraints. The following
option is available:
Step type: ImplementLinksCompletion
Completes with objects linked to the input objects by an implement link (scope or
occurrence-occurrence links). The following options are available:
: the completion to perform depending on
the type of the input and output objects. It can have the following values:
: true
if only reference-reference links
must be explored, false
If the completion is done on EBOM objects, use
Step type: Keep
Keeps the objects of the CATIType specified by the mandatory attribute CATIType, or only
those matching the criteria defined by AttributeKey and AttributeValue if applicable:
: the CATIType of the objects to keep (mandatory)
: the name of the attribute on which the criteria
the exact value of the attribute defined by the
of the objects to keep.
if the objects are also to be kept from the tree;
if they are just to be kept from the output set of objects. The
default value is false
Step type: Open
Opens the input objects in authoring session. The standard Open options are available:
- WithChildren (optional): The following values are accepted:
- AllChildrenFromDatabase
- ChildrenOfLeavesFromDatabase: The Open step builds one or several trees from the
Input Data objects. This option completes the trees with the children of the
terminal components in the tree (that is, leaves). It only expands the leaves and
not the intermediate components.
- WithinContextOnly (optional): This option aims at getting the same result as the
Explore option, when no Explore step has been done before. Typically this could be after
a user-defined completion from Search. If objects of the same structure type as the
context objects are retrieved during the completion, they are opened only if they are
children of the context objects. Note that system and operation share the same structure type.
- Open from search, the context objects are the selected objects when launching the
user-defined completion. Operations cannot define a context since they cannot be
root objects. Only products, manufactured items, systems and resources are
considered as contexts.
- Open using Explore with Manufacturing
Finder, they are the roots attached under each fake node when the Open
step is executed.
- WithRepresentations (optional): The following values are accepted:
- AllRepresentations
- 3DRepresentationsOnly
- If none of these options is specified, only the input objects are opened: no
additional completion is performed.
- To get the same result as with the Visible expanded children
in the Open Advanced dialog box, use the Open step without any
option and with Input data set to Session.
Step type: Origin Completion
Completes with objects linked to the input objects by an origins relation link. The origins
relationship will be conceptualized between manufactured item nodes or between system/operation nodes or between two resource nodes. The following
options are available:
: The completion will be performed depending on
the type of the input and desired output objects. Historization relations can exists
between manufactured items, system/operation and resources. To support all possible
cases HistorizationCompletionType
attribute can have one of the
following values:
: Get the origin PPR object from the input PPR
: Get all the equivalent PPR objects from the
input origin PPR object.
Step type: OutputCompletion
Completion with objects linked to the input objects by an output relation link. Output
manufactured item is the relation between a manufactured item and a system or operation, and
this relation is aggregated by a system or operation. The following options are
: The completion is performed depending on the
type of input and the desired output objects. An output relation can exist between a
manufactured item and a system or operation. In order to support all possible cases
OutputCompletionType attribute can have one of the following values:
: Ability to retrieve the output
item from a system or an operation
: Ability to retrieve the
system or the operation from their output item.
Step type: ProductFlowCompletion
Completes the session from a Product Flow point of view. Three keywords are associated with
this step:
: defines the depth of the completion in each
orientation. If it is equal to -1 then the complete chain is solved. This is the option
of the delivered completion script.
: defines the orientation of the completion
as follows:
: corresponds to a completion towards
predecessors and successors. This is the option of the delivered completion
: corresponds to a completion towards successors.
: corresponds to a completion towards
: enables to launch the product flow completion,
regardless of whether the system under consideration is an intermediate system or a
final (main) system for the completion.
A sample xml file describing this user-defined completion is delivered in
A log file is generated at each completion and is saved in the directory defined by the
Cache location option in > General > Cache. This file contains useful information
including any issues encountered during the completion, such as Input Data empty, errors
which can happen during link completion, open, and so on.
Step type: Remove
Removes the objects of the CATIType specified by the mandatory attribute CATIType, or only
those matching the criteria defined by AttributeKey and AttributeValue if applicable:
: the CATIType of the objects to remove (mandatory)
: the name of the attribute on which the criteria
the exact value of the attribute defined by the
of the objects to remove.
if the objects are also to be removed from the tree;
if they are just to be removed from the output set of objects.
The default value is false
Step type: Get Parents
Retrieves data from parent nodes in the tree to be used as input for another step (any type
of steps except Open). One keyword is associated with this step: