Secured Access to Native App Commands

Many native app commands allow Business Administrators to customize access to those commands. You can only secure commands in a customer-specific environment; baseline behavior is not supported.

Only the commands listed in the table below can be secured. For example, you might want to allow a user to read data but not export data. The export command (as with all secured commands) can be customized to specify which users can access the command. You need to use MQL to modify the administrative objects that represent the commands.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:

Command Access

Access can be granted to:

  • The [All] user to make the command public
  • A list of persons
  • A list of roles (a role can represent a set of credentials, collaboration space, organization, or role)

Secured native app commands are deployed at build-time and runtime.

At build time:

  • Check access everywhere needed in the native app
  • Define the native app commands in the start-up data

At runtime:

  • At installation: run start-up data MQL scripts
  • Administration: modify native app command access

Secured commands do not grant access to [All]. The table below lists the roles granted access to each secured command. You can customize the access for your business requirements. If an upgrade adds new secured commands, you should customize them for your business requirements.

To determine if a user has access to a command, the app checks these access rights, in this order:

  1. Is access granted to public ([all])?
  2. Is the user a system administrator?
  3. Is access granted to the specific person?
  4. Is access granted to one of the person's credentials or a role, project, or organization of one of the person's sets of credentials?

If the user meets any of these criteria, the user can access that command. If the user does not have access to a command, this message displays:

You are not allowed to do this operation. Contact your administrator.

Inheritance and Command Access

Access propagation along role/collaborative space/organization hierarchies is not supported. For example, if a user is assigned the credentials DESIGNER.MYCOMPANY.STANDARD and the DESIGNER role is a child of the BASIC DESIGNER role, that user has access to a native app command if access is granted to any of these:

  • The specific user
  • DESIGNER role
  • MYCOMPANY organization
  • STANDARD collaborative space

However, if access is granted to the BASIC DESIGNER role, then the access is not inherited to the DESIGNER role. This concept also applies to the collaborative space and organization hierarchies.

Updating Command Access Using MQL

You can use the MQL modify command to customize command accesses. You must restart the application server after modifying commands.

For example, to remove access from all and add access to the DESIGNER.MYCOMPANY.ENGINEERING credentials, you can execute these MQL commands:

set context user creator;
modify command vplm::EXPORT
remove user all

The keyword user in the modify command refers to the end-user. For more information, see MQL Command Reference: command Command.

List of Secured Commands

Secured commands remove Public (all users) access from the commands and add the specific roles listed in the table. To define additional security for these commands, you can follow the procedures above to remove roles, or add roles, such as roles that include a specific organization or complete credentials.

For reference, you can use this MQL command to list all secured commands (the vplm:: commands are not supported for baseline behavior):

list command vplm::*
Secured Command Internal Roles Granted
AddSubstitute VPLMAdmin
Administration VPLMAdmin
CATIA_MechanicalDesign_MechanicalInterfaceAttributesDisplay VPLMAdmin
CATIA_MechanicalDesign_MechanicalInterfaceTemplateCreation VPLMAdmin
CATIA_MechanicalDesign_MechanicalInterfacesCompatibilityCheck VPLMAdmin
CATIA_Standard_Management VPLMAdmin
CoexistenceAdmin VPLMAdmin
ComponentFamilyWorkbench VPLMAdmin
DELMSDInputOutputViewCmd public
DisableChangeControl VPLMAdmin
Duplicate VPLMAdmin
DuplicateUsingDistantData VPLMAdmin
EnableChangeControl VPLMAdmin
ENOVIA_CollaborativeSpace_Create VPLMAdmin
ENOVIA_CreateAsNew VPLMAdmin,VPLMCreator
ENOVIA_Editability_SwitchToEdition VPLMAdmin
ENOVIA_Editability_SwitchToReadOnly VPLMAdmin
ENOVIA_ImportExport_Delegate VPLMAdmin
ENOVIA_ImportExport_Revoke VPLMAdmin
ENOVIA_Lifecycle_RestoreIteration VPLMAdmin
ENOVIA_Ownership_ChangeCollabSpace VPLMAdmin
ENOVIA_Ownership_ManageAccess VPLMAdmin
ENOVIA_Reservation_Lock VPLMAdmin
ENOVIA_Reservation_MassiveUnReserve VPLMAdmin
ENOVIA_Reservation_Unlock VPLMAdmin
ENOVIA_Save_LocalSave VPLMAdmin
ENOVIA_Save_NewMinorRevision VPLMAdmin
ENOVIA_Save_NewRevision VPLMAdmin
ENOVIA_ThumbnailBuilder All
ENOVIA_Workoffline VPLMAdmin,
ENOVIA_Workspace_Delete VPLMAdmin
ENOVIA_Workspace_ExploreReferenceData VPLMAdmin
ENOVIA_Workspace_PartialSynchronize VPLMAdmin
ENOVIA_Workspace_Reserve VPLMAdmin, VPLMCreator
ENOVIA_Workspace_ReserveExclusively VPLMAdmin, VPLMCreator
ENOVIA_Workspace_ReserveLocally VPLMAdmin, VPLMCreator
ENOVIA_Workspace_RetrieveImages VPLMAdmin, VPLMCreator
ENOVIA_Workspace_Unreserve VPLMAdmin, VPLMCreator
Note: vplm::EXPORT is deployed in these user commands:
  • 3DLive Export (for review)
  • Export Briefcase, Export for Authoring
  • Export Batch (export briefcase)
  • Editor Export (igs, stp)
  • Downward Compatibility Batch.
Freeze3DPosition VPLMAdmin
Note: vplm::IMPORT is deployed in these user commands:
  • Import file (igs, stp and multicad dxf, prt, asm, and so on)
  • Import CATIA File (FBDI)
  • Import 3DXML (briefcase import).
KnowledgeAdvisorWorkbench VPLMAdmin
KnowledgeApplicationAuthoringWorkbench VPLMAdmin
KnowledgeExpertWorkbench VPLMAdmin
KnowledgeFeatureDictionaryWorkbench VPLMProjectLeader
NewEvolution VPLMAdmin
NewVersionUsingDistantData VPLMAdmin
PLMRuleAuthoringWorkbench VPLMAdmin
PLMTemplateAuthoringWorkbench VPLMAdmin
ProjectApplicability VPLMAdmin
ProjectResourceManagementWorkbench VPLMAdmin
RepairSiteOwnership VPLMAdmin
Snapshot VPLMAdmin
SynchronizeAndTransferToMatrix VPLMAdmin
SynchronizeWithMatrix VPLMAdmin
TransferOwnership VPLMAdmin
TransferUser VPLMAdmin
WorkspaceAttach VPLMAdmin
WorkspaceDelivery VPLMAdmin
WorkspaceDetach VPLMAdmin
WorkspaceEditContentDefinition VPLMAdmin
WorkspaceSynchronization VPLMAdmin