Deactivating Baseline Trigger for Changing Route Owner

The solution for your installation can be either baseline behavior (the baseline people, organization, and content configuration and rules) or customer-specific environment (CSE) (advanced people, organization, and content configuration and rules). Baseline triggers are installed and activated for both solutions.

If you need to replace the baseline behavior that changes the route owner, you need to deactivate the baseline trigger.

  1. In an MQL window, run these commands:

    set context user creator password <password>;
    demote bus "eService Trigger Program Parameters" "3DX_TypeRouteChangeOwnerCheck" "-";

  2. Log into the 3DDashboard as a user with administrator privileges.
  3. In the Collaborative Spaces Configuration Center widget, click Configuration Deployment.

    You can open this widget from the Compass, or you might have added it to a dashboard.

  4. In the Configuration and Server Utilities section, click Reload Cache.