Creating Roles

Administrator users can create roles.

The apps install the roles required for most business processes. You do not need to create additional roles unless you also intend to customize the accesses associated with those roles. You should only create roles when using the customer-specific environment solution.

See Also
Resources for Controlling Access to Content
  1. In the Manage P&O and Content console, click Advanced .
  2. Click Role .
  3. Click Create.
  4. Enter these details:

    Field Name Description
    Role Name The name for the new role.
    Role Description Additional text describing the function, accesses, or usage of the role.
    Parent Role To inherit access from an existing role, select that role, or select None. You can select a single parent role.

  5. Click Create , then click X to clear the confirmation message.

You should add the new role to any rules and policies for content that people with this role need to access.