Creating the Solid Tool Sweep

Solid Tool Sweep lets you create a 3D shape by moving a symmetrical 2D profile (tool) along a specified path in the 3D area.

  1. Select a symmetrical 2D profile to be swept.
  2. In the Axis Origin and Axis Direction boxes, select the required features to position the axis manually.
  3. Under Motion, select one of the following motion types:
    Linear interpolation The tool is swept along the path defined by the reference axis system, the user defined vectors and corners.
    Axes The tool is swept along the path defined by the selected axis systems.
    Note: Minimum two axis systems must be provided as inputs to define the motion.
    Curve The tool is swept along the path defined by the selected curve with a fixed orientation.
  4. Specify the required features or parameters to define the sweep path. The following inputs are required for the respective motion types:

    Motion TypesRequired Inputs
    Linear interpolation
    • Axis System
    • Vectors: A, B, X, Y, Z
    • Corners: DX1, DX2, ATension1, ATension2, BTension1, BTension2, XTension1, XTension2, YTension1, YTension2, ZTension1, ZTension2

    • At least two vectors should be specified to define the motion.
    • Corners are created only on the intermediate vectors.

    AxesMultiple axis systems

A solid Tool Sweep.x feature is created.