Creating a Point Between Two Points

You can create a point between two existing points using a ratio value.

  1. From the Model section of the action bar, click Point .
  2. Select Between.
  3. Select two points.
  4. Enter the Ratio.

    The ratio is the percental distance from the first selected point, at which the new point is to be created. The value 0.5 creates a middle point. You can also create a middle point

    • using Middle Point option or
    • selecting two points without activating the command from the action bar and clicking Point Between in the context toolbar.
  5. Optional: Select a surface or curve as Support.
    The point is created between the two points measured along the support.
    • If the support is a curve, the distance along the curve is used.
    • If the support is a surface, the created point lies on the computed geodesic curve between the two points on the surface.
    • If the ratio is less than 0 or greater than 1, the point is created along the extrapolated curve tangent to the support. In this case, the created point may not lie on the support. For a closed curve, the point is created along the orientation of curve. If you want to create the point along another part of the closed curve, the input points should be selected in reverse order.
    • Points must lie on the support, otherwise an error message is issued.
  6. Optional: To measure the ratio from the second selected point,
    • click Reverse direction in the dialog box or
    • the arrow at the point in the work area.

    If the ratio value is greater than 1, the point is located on the virtual line beyond the selected points.

  7. Click OK to create the point.
    The point (identified as is added to the tree.