You can know the position of the origin and the coordinates of the three axes. You can also check if the selected axis system is set as current.
To locate the origin, enter a query such as the following:
Let Vector1 (Vector)
set Vector1 = `Axis System.1` .Origin
Message ("Vector dim=", Vector1.NbCol, " ", Vector1.NbLine)
Message ("Vector coord=", Vector1.Get(1,1), " ", Vector1.Get(1,2)," ",Vector1.Get(1,3))
To know the x, y, and z coordinates of the axis system, enter a query such as the following:
Let Matrix1 (Matrix)
set Matrix1 = `Axis System.1` .Axes
Message ("Matrix dim=", Matrix1.NbCol, " ", Matrix1.NbLine)
Message ("Matrix line 1=",Matrix1.Get(1,1), " ",Matrix1.Get(1,2)," ",Matrix1.Get(1,3))
Message ("Matrix line 2=",Matrix1.Get(2,1), " ",Matrix1.Get(2,2)," ",Matrix1.Get(2,3))
Message ("Matrix line 3=",Matrix1.Get(3,1), " ",Matrix1.Get(3,2)," ",Matrix1.Get(3,3))
When you run the action, an Information dialog box appears. It displays the coordinates of the axis system in matrix form. A negative coordinate indicates the reversal of the axis.
To check if the selected axis system is current, enter a query such as the following:
`Axis System.1` .IsCurrent = true
Message ("Is current 1 =", `Axis System.1` .IsCurrent)
`Axis System.1` .IsCurrent = false
When you run the action, an Information dialog box appears. If the selected axis system is current, the dialog box returns true, else it returns false.