About Rotation

This topic provides information about the rotation definition options.

See Also
Creating Rotations

Definition Mode

In the Rotate.x dialog box, you can define a rotation using following options available in the Definition Mode box.

  • Axis-Angle (default mode): The rotation axis is defined by a linear element and the angle is defined by a value that can be modified in the dialog box or in the 3D geometry by using the handles.

  • Axis-Two Elements <Icon>: The rotation axis is defined by a linear element and the angle is defined by two geometric elements (point, line, or plane).
    • Axis/point/point: The angle between the vectors is defined by the selected points and their orthogonal projection onto the rotation axis.

    • Axis/point/line <Icon>: The angle between the vector is defined by the selected point and its orthogonal projection onto the rotation axis and the selected line.

    • Axis/line/line: The angle between the direction vectors of the projection is defined by the two selected lines in the plane normal to the rotation axis. In case both lines are parallel to the rotation axis, the angle is defined by the intersection points of the plane normal to the rotation axis and these lines.

    • Axis/line/plane: The angle is defined between the selected line and normal to the plane.

    • Axis/plane/plane: The angle is defined between the lines normal to both selected planes.

  • Three Points <Icon>: See the scenario in Creating Rotations.