What's New

This page describes recent changes in Part Design.

This page discusses:

R2022x FD01 (FP.2205)

EKL for Mechanical: New EKL Type

A new solid impact type is added in Assembly Impacts Types.
Benefits: A dedicated type for solid impacts lets you distinguish between solid impacts other mechanical features.
For more information, see AssemblyImpacts (no NLS) Types

R2022x GA

Support for Polyhedral Geometries

You can now apply commands on polyhedral objects, or use polyhedral geometry as inputs.
Benefits: The app is more efficient and robust.
For more information, see Polyhedral Geometry in Part Design

Pattern Analysis

This functionality provides brief analysis of all the patterns in the part.
Benefits: Pattern analysis enhances the reviewing process for the 3D object.
For more information, see Analyzing Pattern

Hole Analysis

This functionality provides brief analysis of all the holes in the part.
Benefits: Hole analysis enhances the reviewing process for the 3D object.
For more information, see Analyzing Hole

Removing Faces Using Limiting Elements

When you select a limiting element, the limiting face is now detected automatically.
Benefits: The new workflow improves the overall user experience.
For more information, see Creating Remove Face Features

Chamfer Orientation Management

You can now invert the orientation of the edges of a chamfer independently.
Benefits: The chamfer orientation management is enhanced.
For more information, see Creating Chamfers

Activating or Deactivating Measurements

You can now activate or deactivate measurements inside a part from the context menu.
Benefits: You can prevent unnecessary updates by deactivating the measurements.
For more information, see Measuring Inertia in the Context of a Representation