Using Measured Parameters in a Constraint Satisfaction Computation

You can use parameters valuated by a formula in the Constraints Satisfaction Editor. In the scenario detailed below, you calculate the length of a pad, which is part of a bottle cap to reach a given volume.

See Also
Constraint Satisfaction Editor
  1. Create a cap identical to the one below.

  2. Create a parameter that computes the cap volume.
    • Click Formula .
    • In the scrolling list, select the Volume parameter and click New Parameter of type.
    • In the Edit name or value of the current parameter box, edit the name of the volume parameter: Cap_Volume in this scenario.
    • Click Add Formula and enter the following formula:
      Cap_Volume = 
      Volume_Pad1 + Volume_Pad2 + Volume_Pad3 
      + Volume_Pad4 + Volume_Pad5 + Volume_Pad6 
      + Volume_Pad7 + Volume_Pad8 + Volume_Pad9
    • Click OK twice to validate.
  3. From the Compass, click 3D Modeling Apps and select Design Optimization.
  4. Click Constraint Satisfaction . Click OK in the Constraint Satisfaction Editor dialog box.
    The Constraint Satisfaction.1 tab opens.
  5. Enter the following formula into the editor:
    Cap_Volume == 0.2L; 
    PartBody\Pad.1\FirstLimit\Length > 2mm; 
    PartBody\Pad.1\FirstLimit\Length < 100mm; 
    PartBody\Pad.2\FirstLimit\Length > 2mm;  
    PartBody\Pad.2\FirstLimit\Length < 50mm
  6. Click Parse .
  7. Click the Results tab. In the Number of solutions to be found box, enter 4.
  8. Click Solve. Click OK in the Solving was successful dialog box.
  9. In the lower part of the editor, select line 3 and click Apply solution.
    The solution is applied to the parameters.
  10. Click Apply: The model is updated. Click OK to exit the Constraint Satisfaction editor. Click No when prompted to save the log.