
You can create a representation used in the following task: Using the Gradient Based Algorithm to Optimize Problems With Non Satisfied Constraints.

  1. Create a representation identical to the one below.

  2. Click Formula to create five parameters.
    • Select Volume in the scrolling list and click New parameter of type.
    • Click Add Formula, enter Volume.1=smartVolume(PartBody) and click OK.
    • Select Real in the scrolling list and click New parameter of type.
    • In the Edit name or value of the current parameter, enter X and click Add Formula. Enter:
      X= intersect (GS\Line.2, yz plane).coord(1)
    • Select Real in the scrolling list and click New parameter of type.
    • In the Edit name or value of the current parameter, enter y and 150. Click Apply.
    • Select Real in the scrolling list and click New parameter of type.
    • In the Edit name or value of the current parameter, enter fxy, and click Add formula, enter the following formula, and click OK when done:
      fxy=(x-10)*(x-10) + (y-20)*(y-20) + 100
  3. Create a Volume parameter called Volume.1.