Searching for a Maximum Value

You can use the Maximization Optimization type. In this example, the algorithm searches for the parameter values corresponding to a maximum value for Function2. The Simulated Annealing method is used. Lower and upper bounds (-10 and +10) are specified for the x argument.

See Also
Using the Optimization Function
Specifying the Algorithm to Run
About the Definition of an Optimization
Optimization Editor
  1. Create a Representation and add the parameters and formulas shown below.
  2. From the Compass, click 3D Modeling Apps and select Product Engineering Optimizer.
  3. Click Optimization .
  4. Define the data required to run the optimization algorithm as follows:

    Optimization Type


    Optimized Parameter


    Free Parameters

    x - Inf. Range: -10 ; Sup. Range: +10


    Simulated Annealing Algorithm

    Convergence speed


    Maximum number of updates


    Consecutive updates without improvements


    Maximum time (minutes)

    5 minutes
  5. Check the Save optimization data box, otherwise your optimization data will not be saved and you will not be able to display the optimization curves.
  6. Click Run optimization.
  7. Type the name of the new representation and click OK.

    A steady value of 500 is reached very early for Function2. The free parameters as well as the Function2 value are updated in the tree.

    Important: Note that Real type parameters are displayed with nine decimal places (trailing zeros if any are not displayed). If you perform an optimization with other parameter types, the values are displayed according to the options specified in the Units tab of the Me > Preferences dialog box (General > Parameters and Measure).
  8. Replay the same scenario with a maximum number of updates of 50, then 20.
  9. Click OK or Cancel to exit the Optimization dialog box.