Systems Experience Player

Systems engineering requires several software for designing embedded software, modeling, and simulating physical parts. Systems Experience Player helps display all these models from a single user interface.

These models can be created with Dassault Systèmes' apps (Functional & Logical Design, Dymola Behavior Modeling, Dymola …) or Industry standards (PLCopen, FMI models…). These models can be stored in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform or accessed from external repositories and data sources.

Systems Experience Player coexecutes and validates virtual heterogeneous models coming from different tools, through a real time, and interactive platform.

For systems engineers, Systems Experience Player offers the following key capabilities:

  • Coexecution of models in real time.
  • Creation of test scenarios.
  • Creation of 2D panels.
  • Monitoring and interacting with the coexecution experience by executing scenarios or using 2D panels.
  • Recording of variables in real time during the execution to display curves.