On the page toolbar, click
Enable Edit
The schedule becomes editable. For a description of the fields,
Working the Structured View.
To copy and paste a task, select the task to be copied and click
Edit >
Copy. Then select another task for which the
copied task will be copied above or as a child. Accordingly, click
Edit >
Paste as Child or
Edit >
Paste Above.
Copied tasks in any state will be pasted in the "Draft" state only and the constraint type of
the copied task will be same as that of the project. Note:
Unless you save a
cut/copied action, the cut or paste action will happen to the original
task that was cut or copied.
The following task information is copied:
- Estimated Duration (These dates will be recalculated based on
the constraints and dependencies applied to tasks.)
- Task
Deliverables .
- Calendar, if it exists.
- When a summary task is copied to another location in the
schedule, its children tasks are also copied.
- The task owner is the person who has created/copied the task.
- If a task is copied, the assignees will not be copied from the
original task to the newly copied task.
- The name of the new task is identical to the name of the task
that is copied.
If the constraint type of the task where you are pasting the new task is "Finish No Later
Than" or "Start No Earlier Than," then the estimated start and estimated end
dates of the copied task are determined by the task under which you are
copying the task.
If the constraint type of the task where you are copying the new task is "Finish No Earlier
Than," "Must Finish On," "Must Start On," "As Soon As Possible," "As Late As
Possible," or "Start No Later Than," then it will be changed to the
project's default constraint type, and the estimated start and estimated end
dates of the copied task are determined by the project's start or end dates.
Make changes to the
% Complete,
Start Date,
End Date, Duration,
Project Role, and Owner
as required. The Type for a task cannot be changed when
the task is Active or beyond. The Type for a summary task can be changed to
Task or Phase. For a summary task, the columns "State," "% Complete,"
"Estimated Duration," "Estimated Start Date," "Estimated Finish Date," "Actual
Start Date," and "Actual End Date" are not editable. Upon saving a sub task
created below the summary task, the summary task will have its Actual Start
Date updated based upon the sub task's Actual Start Date.
You can edit dates using the Calendar icon to choose the date. The
calendar shows standard nonworking days (Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays); all
the nonworking days in the user-defined calendar are shown in yellow color.
You can change the estimated start date and end date of a task if you are the Project Lead or
owner or if you are an Assignee (and not the task owner). If the project is
scheduled from the end date, the project start date should not be changed.
Note that duration must be manually changed, if required.
Changes to each of these fields can result in changes to other
fields on the page. In addition, there are restrictions on the kinds of changes
you can make. For a description of the rules for making changes to these
fields, see
Rules for Task Fields.
Two important guidelines to keep in mind are:
When scheduling from the project finish date, you cannot change a
task's end date to a value that would cause the project's end date to extend
out. The finish date of the project can be extended even if the project is in
Active state to allow project managers to manage projects that exceed deadlines
due to unavoidable reasons.
- The Start or End Date is calculated according to the events
(nonworking days) defined in the calendar of the owner of the task. If the
calendar to which a person is associated is changed, and if that person is the
owner of a task, then the Start or End Date will get changed based on the
events of the changed calendar.
To assign a task, select it, and click
Assign Selected from the Actions menu. You
then select the assignees for the task.
To view deliverables for tasks, select one or more tasks. Then
Deliverables Report from the Actions menu. See
Deliverables Report.