Limiting the Plot View to a Specific Step or Load Case

If your simulation contains multiple steps, you can limit the plot view to a specific step or load case.

In lock mode, the steps that are not relevant are hidden. Clicking the X-Y plot finds the closest points to the right of the cursor and navigates to the corresponding animation frame. You can drag across the plot to drive the animation.

Before you begin: If the legend has been turned off, click Show/Hide Legend to restore it.
  1. In the frame selector, select the step or load case that shows the data you want to view.
  2. Click the lock to limit the plot view to the step or load case you selected.

The plot view changes to display only the data for the selected step or load case. The current step and load case names are added to the legend.

Note: The plot is rendered empty if there is no data compatible with the selected step and load case.