Interference Object Customization

You can customize the application to suit your process and business rules.

To be able to manage the process (customer specific), you may need to add information and attributes to the objects. To do so, standard ENOVIA objects allow you to customize application objects when you specify them as customizable. During object creation, a business rule is called to valuate specific attributes defined by you.

This page discusses:

About Object Customization

You can customize the objects to add specific information and attributes based on the business processes.

See 3DEXPERIENCE Open: Common Tools: Data Setup: Cusomization by Business Rules.

In the interference application, you can customize the following two objects:

  • The Interference Simulation (SIMItfSimulation)
  • The Metric (PLMPIMMetricReference)

Definition of Business Logic Openness

You can define PLM Opening IDs and integrate enterprise policy by associating business rule scripting to the customized PLM components.

You can implement a set of PLM Opening IDs in addition to the ENOVIA Data Model Customizer (DMC). An administrator can integrate enterprise policy by associating business rule scripting to the customized PLM components.

Note: See 3DEXPERIENCE Open: Common Tools: Data Setup: List of Resource Set IDs: Business Logic Implementations: PLM Business Logic Implementations to precisely know the list of referenced PLM Opening ID.

About Business Logic in Interference Management

You can customize the interference apps.

In the Interference Management and Interference Check apps, you can implement the business logic mechanism during the creation step for interference simulation and metric.

The business logic allows you to integrate your naming policy and PLM public attribute initialization and also to specify for interferences whether they have to be created or not. The rules are executed automatically when creating the simulation and when executing the simulation for interferences.

PLM Opening ID at Creation

For more information about the implementation of the PLM Opening ID, see Data Setup User's Guide: List of Resource Set IDs: Infrastructure Business Logic Implementations: Attributes Initialization (PLMIdentificationInitialization).

Creation Purpose
PLMOpening ID Description Behavior


Creation step: allows integrating customized (customer specific) naming policy for PLM public attribute initialization.


The business logic is defined in the script stored at the location CNext\resources\knowledge\scripts. The scripts used to define the business logic for the Interference simulation and metric are:

  • Declaration of Rules: PLMBusinessLogic_InterferenceModelers.CATRuleExit
  • Interference Simulation: PLMBusinessLogic_InterferenceSimulation.CATRule
  • metric: PLMBusinessLogic_InterferenceMetric.CATRule

Customization of Interference Simulation

For Interference Simulation, PLMIdentificationInitialization CATRules is provided by default. The attribute values defined are as follows:

ThisObject.PLM_ExternalID = Prefix + "Interference_Simulation_" + UniqueKey
ThisObject.V_Name = ThisObject.PLM_ExternalID

Customization of a Metric

For interference simulation, PLMIdentificationInitialization CATRules is called at each interference creation. A CATRules is provided by default as follows:

 ThisObject.PLM_ExternalID = Prefix + "Interference_" + GetUniqueKey( ObjectType )
 ThisObject.V_Name = ThisObject.PLM_ExternalID

In this case, attributes are specified in input to the business logic, allowing you to define its behaviors more precisely.

A specific attribute enables specify if the interference has to be created or not.

The list of attributes given as input and output for business logic are:

  • Input
    • List of attributes returned by the solver:
      Attributes Description
      CreateInterference Decides whether the interference object should be created or not (Boolean: valuated by default at TRUE).
      V_Itf_Case_Of_CalcSpecifications defined to compute the interference (enum: ex =Clash_Contact)
      V_Itf_Statusstore errors generated by the solver (integer: usually =0)
      V_Itf_Spec_Clearance_value Specifications including the clearance value (double )
      V_Itf_Penetration_Value Penetration value when the clash is detected
      V_Itf_Distance_MinMinimum distance when the clearance is detected
      SIMItfContextOfInterferenceSimulation object to which the interference belongs (SimItf) class:

      Name of the parent: SuperName =

      PLMPIMMetricFromSCAToOccurences Connection, which has a relationship called PointedOccurences. PointedOccurences: Links from SCA (Smallest Common Ancestor) to occurrences (positioned parts) in interference. (ReferenceSCA, Occurrence1, Occurrence 2)

      Name of the parent class: SuperName =

      For occurrences:

      Path Name =

      TargetName =

      RoleName =

      V_Itf_Real_Tolerance_Used_For_First_OccurenceTolerance defined on the first occurrence (double: usually =0.2)
      V_Itf_Real_Tolerance_Used_For_Second_Occurence Tolerance defined on the second occurrence (double: usually =0.2)
      V_Itf_Real_Tolerance_Used_For_ComputationSum of tolerances defined on the first and second occurrences (double: usually =0.4)
      V_Context_Validity_StatusValidity status of the interference
      V_descriptionDescription (string)
      V_Itf_TypeSystem status (enum: ex =Clash)
      V_Itf_AnalysisAnalysis status (enum: ex =OK)
      V_Itf_Previous_Analysis Analysis status of the previously calculated interference (Value="OK; KO; Not_Analysed; Unknown; To_Be_ReAnalysed")
      V_Itf_Engine_NameName of the engine used for the computation
      V_Itf_Solver_NameName of the engine used for the computation
      V_Itf_Tolerance_Requested Requested tolerance for computation
      V_Itf_NumExecutionAtCreationNumber of simulation executions at interference creation: used to identify if interference is new, old, or modified
    • Related Attributes: For more information about related general attributes, see Unified Typing Reference Dictionary Reference Guide: Server Packages.
    • Attributes given as input can be modified to validate interference creation.
  • Input/Output
    • CreateInterference (Boolean: valuated by default at TRUE)
  • When CreateInterference=FALSE, the interference is not created.
  • Using these inputs you can evaluate your specified input attributes and the output attributes.