Content of the Report
The report consists of interference results that are displayed in the interference simulation multi-list.
The report is an HTML or CSV file based that consists of the summary and details of the interference computation result. You can specify the required format under Report format available in expander.
An interference report is generated based on the date and time. Generating a new report does not overwrite the previous one. An HTML report displays the following information:
- A table indicating the following modes:
- Selection Mode: Indicates the mode selected to define the context for which the interference is computed, such as Between all Components, Inside Groups, Group against Group, and Group against Context.
- Computation Mode: Indicates the specifications selected in the Specifications tab based on which the interference is calculated. See Create an Interference Simulation.
- Clearance distance: Indicates the minimum clearance value specified while computing the interference. This column appears when the Clearance check box is selected.
- A table indicating the product selected for the computation.
- An image of the product. Note: If you generate the report when the simulation is in the explore mode, this image is not displayed.
- Two 3D pie charts, Analysis status, and Solver status, with legends that provide a summary of the total interferences.
- A table displaying the following information of the simulation results of the
- An image of the instances involved in the interference
- Two columns for the names of the instances
- Columns that provide validity status, system status, quantifier, update status, and description for the respective interferences. For more information, see Attribute Columns.
When you click any of the rows, the interference details open in a new browser window for the respective instances, which additionally display the following:
- A table of the detailed interference result, with the following
additional columns:
- Definition: Provides the metric name of the instance
- Contextual Interference Name
- Specification: Provides the specifications selected for interference computation
- Columns that provide user status, analysis status, and previous status for the instances
- An image of the instances with interference curves Note: When you generate the report in the explore mode, the instances under the context for which the interference is computed, appears separately in this table without interference curves. For more information, see Publish a Report for the Simulation in Explore Mode.
- Legends that indicate the names of the instances between which the interference is computed.
When you generate the report in CSV format, while generating the report, all the columns available in the interference simulation multi-list are exported to the excel sheet. You can also use Export Filtered and Export Selected to generate the report of required interference instances.