Executing an Interference Simulation in Batch Mode using Batch Monitor and Command-Line Command

You can execute an interference simulation in Batch Mode using the options provided in the Batch Monitor dialog box. You can also execute a simulation using a command-line command.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin:
  • For detailed information about the batch mode and running batches, see 3DEXPERIENCE Native Apps: Native Apps Common Services: Tools: Batches and Plug-in Methods: Batches: Running the Generic Batch.
  • For more information about searching objects, see 3DEXPERIENCE Native Apps: Native Apps Common Services: Search.

Execute an Interference Simulation in a Batch Mode

If you want to execute multiple interference simulations, you can execute them in a batch mode. You can execute only one simulation per batch.

  1. From the Tools section of the action bar, click Utility.
    The Batch Monitor dialog box appears to display the Utilities tab.
  2. Double-clickPLMItfCheck in the Type column.
    The PLMItfCheck dialog box appears.
  3. Click 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Object Search .
    The 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Object Search dialog box appears.
  4. Select Interference simulation in the Object list.
  5. Define the search criteria and click Apply.
    The results appear in the PLMItfCheck dialog box.
  6. In the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Object Search dialog box, click OK.
  7. Ctrl + select interference simulations that you do not want to run and click Removes the selected objects from the list .
    Note: Ensure that only the required interference simulation remains on the list.
  8. Click Run.
    Note: You can click Save in the PLMItfCheck dialog box to save the simulation as an .xml file and execute it later using a command-line command.

The interference simulation is executed.

Execute an Interference Simulation using a Command-Line Command

You can run a command-line command to execute interference simulations that are saved as .xml files.

Run CATBatchStarter mysimulation.xml.

The mysimulation.xml file is the saved interference simulation file.

Save an Interference Simulation in a Batch Mode

When you run an interference simulation in batch mode, you can save the computed interferences in batches of specific sizes.

Run CATBatchStarter mysimulation.xml.

The interference simulation is executed and the detected interferences are saved in batches in the database.

  • The mysimulation.xml file is the saved interference simulation file.
  • You can click Me > Preferences > App Preferences > Social and Collaborative > Global Design Management > Interference > Batch Computation and specify the number of interferences, to be saved in a transaction, in the Save parameters box.

    For example, if you specify 500 in the Save parameters box, then interferences are saved in packets of 500 objects.