Select the required product in the tree.
From the Assembly section of the action bar, click
Create non persistent interference Simulation
The Light Interference Simulation Definition dialog box
In the Specifications tab, select the required options.
- Select the required standard specifications.
- Clash and Contact: to compute clashes and contacts.
- Clearance: to compute the clearances lower than the minimum clearance value defined in the Clearance box.
- Select the required engineering connection specifications.
- Check No Clash: Identifies only clashes
- Check Contact: Identifies clashes and clearances
- Check Clearance: Identifies clashes, contacts and
clearances with distance less than the specified minimum value of the clearance
- No Check: Avoids computation for the interferences with
specifications set as No Check in the Engineering
Connection Definition dialog box.
- Select the required computation quantifiers.
- Minimum Distance: to compute and store the minimal
clearance distance. The check box is available when you select:
- The Clearance check box under
Standard Specification
- The Activate and Check
Clearance check boxes under Engineering
connection specification
- The Activate check box under Knowledge
rules specifications
- Penetration Vector: to compute and store the penetration
vector value when a clash is identified. You can search for an interference
simulation using advanced search, specifying the penetration value as a search
- Optional:
In the Context tab, select the following check boxes
under Check Intermediate Representation:
- Append Intermediate Representation: to include
intermediate representations to the interference computation. When you
select this check box, the computation includes the interferences
between the following elements of the context:
- Parts and representations under the same product
- Representations from the different products under the same
simulation context
Interferences between the representations under the
same product are not computed.
By default, this check box is cleared.
Compute Between Intermediate Representation: to
identify interferences that exist between representations under the same
product. This check box is available for selection when the
Append Intermediate Representation check box
is selected.
Define the context to compute the interference.
By default, Between all components is selected which computes the interferences between all the elements under the selected root product.
To define the groups inside the simulation context:
From the list, select either of the following:
- Inside groups: to compute interferences
between the elements of a group. You can select one or more
groups. However, interferences are computed only between the
objects of the same group.
- Groups against groups: to compute
interferences between the elements of different groups.
Interferences are computed between all parts of one group and
all parts of other groups.
- Groups against context: to compute
interferences between the selected elements in a group, and the
remaining elements in the context. Interferences are computed
between defined groups against the context.
Click Add new group to create a group.
You can create several groups within the
simulation context and compute the interferences between them. Note:
can click Add more groups and select products
or parts in the 3D area or the tree to create multiple groups at a time. Each product or part
selected is added as a separate group.
Add the required elements in the group. To do so:
- Click Add the selected product in the
to add objects to the selected group. Select the product or the
parts in the 3D area or the tree to add them to a new group.
- Click Remove the selected product from the
to remove selected objects from the selected group. When nothing
is selected, all the objects are removed from the group.
- Click Delete this group
to delete the selected group.
- Click Add the selected filter to this
to add a previously created filter to define the group context.
For more information about creating
filters, see Social and Collaborative Apps: Product
Development- Model Based: Product Finder Guide User's Guide:
Using Persistent Filters: Creating a Persistent
- You can apply filters in all modes except
Between all components mode.
- You can add one filter for a selected group.
- You can either add a filter or manually select a product
for the selected group.
- If you add a filter again after adding a filter to the
group, the filter from the group is replaced with the new
- For filters, if advanced filters defined in groups point to
elements that are not pointed by filter or advanced filter
context, interferences cannot be computed.
- If a part is added to the product structure, which matches
the filter criteria, this new part will not be taken into
account until the current interference simulation is closed
and re-opened.
- If the context product is changed (only accessible when
creation is started from no tab), all groups are deleted.
By default, Between all components
is selected which computes the interferences between all the elements under the
selected root product.
Click OK.
Undock the multi-list to see the summary of number of clashes, contacts, and
The interference simulation multi-list generated using non persistent interference
simulation consists of columns for Specification,
System status, Instance 1,
Instance 2, Quantifier, and
Click Close.
The multi-list closes and the results are not saved in the tree.