Physical Equipment Subtype

This section describes the Physical Equipment Subtype resource and how you can customize it.

This page discusses:


This resource file is a discrete list of all the physical sub types of equipment and provides the list of families to which 3D equipment can be typed.

In Data Setup, this table of values should be assigned to:

The Physical Equipment Subtype item in the resource table of Equipment Resources.

Note: In the Subtype Filter box enter Piping when the resource file is for piping equipment. Similarly you can (for example) enter Electrical for electrical equipment sub types.

Table Customization

All of the attribute values must be of the type string.

Centrifugal Pump
Reciprocating Pump
Rotary Pump
Heating/Cooling Equipment

Sample Resource File

Example file: ..\startup\EquipmentAndSystems\Equipment\EqtPiping_SubType.xls

Where Used

This resource file is used and seen here:

Used in this appWhenIs seen as
Piping & Tubing 3D Part DesignCreating equipmentPart Subtype list in Equipment Extension dialog box.