Technological Tables

This section explains the basic concepts of the technological tables.

This page discusses:

What Is a Technological Table

This section describes the technological tables.

A technological table can:

  • contain a set of available values (for example: Standard table, End Style table, etc.).
  • describe rules to be used by the app.

Using Technological Tables

This section describes how to use technological tables.

You can use the customer table to list sets of countable values. For example, in the Spool Rule table, the Behavior column has only three authorized values: forbidden in spool, border of spool, and inside the spool. If you create one customer table containing these three values and link each Behavior column to this table, you ensure that the spelling is correct. This will also enable you to select a value in a list instead of typing it.

You can create additional columns in each table to add your comments.

When a table appears in Piping & Tubing Design, the Standard column comes from the attribute of the displayed table.

Technological Tables in Resource Sets

The Standard attribute of the Technological Tables must be equal to the Data Setup criteria of the resource set in which these tables are.

The Technological tables with a Standard criteria are the following:

  • End Style
  • Standard
  • Physical Part Subtype
  • Logical Part Subtype
  • Nominal Size
  • Rating
  • Insulation Dimension

Note: You must valuate the Standard attribute to be able to filter properly the table.