Adding, Deleting and Modifying Ports

Manage Ports lets you add ports to a part, or delete or modify the existing ones.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: Open an object containing the part to which you want to add ports.

Adding, Deleting and Modifying Ports on a Part

You can add, delete or modify ports on a part.

  1. Click Add.
  2. Choose your port type between Part Port , Two-Point Part Port , Hole Port and Two-Point Hole Port.
  3. Fill in the different areas according to the port type you chose:
    • Extremity Point: lets you select a point to define the port location.
    • Alignment (for part and hole ports): lets you select a line or a plane.
      Note: The port alignment is normal to your selection if it is a plane. If it is a line, then it follows the line alignment. The alignment of the port determines, for example, the direction in which a pipe/tube is routed.
    • Offset Point (for two-point part and hole ports): lets you select a point.
    • Orientation: lets you select a line or a plane.
    • Name: lets you enter the name of the port.
  4. Click Part Port and make selections to define port geometry, as explained below.

    Note: A part port allows you to place a part on it, and routing can start or end at this type of port.

  5. Click OK to create a part port.

Adding or Deleting Ports on a Component Group

You can add or delete ports on a component group.

  1. Click Add.
  2. In the work area, select one of the parts of the component group on which you want to define the component group ports.
    The Part Name is automatically filled in and the ports are displayed in yellow on the selected part.
  3. Select a port and click OK to create the port.