Delete lets you change the design that impacts connected
routes or parts, without fixing all contextual links for every route or part
Select the part or the route you want to delete.
On the context toolbar, click
one of the following:
deletes only the part or route instance.
Delete with Merge:
deletes the selected parts from the network and merges both routes into one
route. This command is available if:
You select a part or a set of parts connected to two routes
The selection does not include any route.
Disconnect and Delete: disconnects and deletes the selected part from the network and deleted.
The connected routes are also modified. This command is available only if
there are objects to disconnect.
If you delete a branch, the branch port is still on the main route. To delete the branch port,
select it and click Delete Branch Port on the context toolbar.
These commands are also available in the context menu.
If you delete a reference point, the related directional point is deleted as well.