Placing Equipment

You can select and place an item of equipment. Placing an item of equipment is the first step in the creation of a fluid system.

Before you begin: Open a new object.
  1. From the Fluidic Design section of the action bar, click Place Part .
  2. Click Piping > Part selection > Find part using catalog in the context toolbar.
    The Catalog Browser dialog box appears.
    Note: The catalogs available are those imported by your administrator using the Data Setup app. They contain parts or equipment.
  3. Optional: To change catalog:
    1. Click Open a catalog .

      The Choose a Catalog or Chapter dialog box appears.

    2. Choose a catalog from the list and then click Close.
    The Catalog Browser dialog box is updated with the selected catalog.
  4. Select an item of equipment in the list
    You can also click Part selection > Find part using chooser to select an item of equipment.
    Note: If the selected reference is a PLM Template, then the system detects it and the Insert Object dialog box appears.
    1. Click Parameters.

      The Parameters dialog box appears.

    2. Enter the parameters of your choice.
    3. Click OK.

      The new reference is created from the Engineering Template.

      For more information, see Engineering Templates User's Guide: Creating an Engineering Template.

  5. Select a placement method.

    Note: For more information about the different placement methods, see Placing a Part or a Route in Space

    Your item of equipment is placed.