Merging Routes

You can merge two routes. The routes merge at the nearest ends from their respective selection points. The properties of the first selected route are applied to the second route.

Before you begin: Open a product in which you want to merge two routes.
  1. From the Fluid Design section of the action bar, select Part Mode as process mode.
  2. From the Selection Options dialog box, select Part Selection .
    For more information about the different selection options, see Selection Options and Process Modes.
  3. Select the free end of the route to be merged.
  4. On the context toolbar, click Merge .
  5. From the Merge Route panel, select one of the following Merge Mode.
    • Normal Merge : the two routes are merged without any modifications on node.
    • Merge using Business Logic : this option is available only if the business logic exists. The position of the extremities is modified, or a node can be added between the two end nodes of the merged routes, following the business logic behavior. For more information about the business logic, see Compute New Position of Route Points for Merge Operation (PipComputePointDuringMerge).
  6. Select the free end of the other route.
    The two routes are merged at the nearest selected ends.

Note: If the standard, nominal size properties are different for both routes, a message appears informing you that the two routes have different properties. The properties of the route you selected first will be applied to the merged route. You can click OK to merge the routes and No to exit the command.
Note: Merging two routes can impact the insulation applied on these routes:
  • Insulation is merged: the new insulation is a concatenation of both and the insulation reference is the insulation from the first selection. Insulations must reference the route extremities to be merged.
  • Insulation is not merged: you have to choose a new insulation reference when it is necessary.