Modifying Ports

You can modify port attributes of a part if the Reference Mode value is New From and the Instantiation Rule value is New Reference. In this case, the Modify Port command is available in the Edit context toolbar to let you modify a set of attributes.

For more information, see About Creating Parts References.

Before you begin: Open a product containing a part with New Reference as Instantiation Rule value and New From as Reference Mode value.
  1. From the Fluid Design section of the action bar, click Modify .
  2. Select the port you want to modify.
  3. On the context toolbar, click Edit > Modify Port.
    The Edit Parameter dialog box appears and is divided into two tabs.
  4. On the first tab, select one of the following:
    • Standard to find a value from the Data Setup. You can click the button on the right to launch the Reference Dimension table.
    • Customized to modify the following attributes:
      • Rating
      • Outside Diameter
      • Thickness
    These attributes must be linked to the geometry through knowledge external parameters if you want to update the geometry.
  5. On the second tab, modify the values of the knowledge parameters.
    The goal of this knowledge parameters is to modify the geometry of the part. These knowledge parameters are retrieved from the parameter set called DS_Customer_Parameter.
  6. Select Propagate to other empty ports to apply the same values on the other ports that are not connected to another part.
  7. Click OK.
    Attributes are modified and also the geometry if the geometrical parameters are linked to these attributes.