Deploying the Application

You must first configure the dedicated properties file before deploying Project Intelligence on your Exalead CloudView instance.

This task shows you how to:

Configure Properties File

  1. Unzip project-app-<release>.zip. For example,
    An unzipped folder is created. Do not delete the zipped folder, you will need it to install Project Intelligence. For more information, see Install Project Intelligence below.
  2. Go to <UNZIPPEDFOLDER>/documents.
  3. Open
  4. Specify the following parameters:
    1. ENOVIA_URL: the URL used to connect to your ENOVIA server.
      This parameter will allow you to open your object directly in ENOVIA from Project Intelligence .
    2. ENOVIA_PWD_CRYPTED: the password used to connect to your ENOVIA server.
  5. Save your file.

Install Project Intelligence

  1. Make sure that your Exalead CloudView instance is running.
  2. Go to <DATADIR>/bin/.
  3. Launch the following command to deploy Project Intelligence on your running instance:

    cvadmin apps install noversioncheck=true apps-file=[PATH TO project-app-<release>.zip file]
     propertyFile=[PATH TO file]

    Note: Do not use spaces or special characters in paths.

Check Installation

  1. From your browser, go to http://<HOSTNAME>:<BASEPORT>.
  2. Click /project to open Project Intelligence.
  3. Log into Project Intelligence. By default, Login is user and Password is exalead.

You are now on Project Intelligence.

To retrieve data into the app, configure ENOVIA connector. For more information, see Configuring ENOVIA Connector.