Business Objects |
Assessments (data model class "assessment") |
Values (or X-Axis and Y-Axis) |
- Columns: types of assessments (overall, finance, risk,
schedule, and resource)
- Rows: projects
- Cells: assessment status for given project and
assessment type
Sorting |
- Columns: fixed order (overall, finance, risk, schedule, resource)
- Rows: by project name, alphabetically
Limits |
There is no limit. |
Colors |
Colors are red, yellow, or green depending on assessment status. |
Available Views |
Table view. |
Interactions |
On this table, you can:
- Click a row to refine on the corresponding project.
- Click
access table menu and:
- Search data
- Swap axes
- Export data
- Configure visible and fixed columns
Technical Details |
- Data model
Mashup feed (project)