Timeline of Gates by Projects

This chart displays a timeline of gates grouped by project. The status of the project rules the color coding of the chart.

Business Objects Tasks (data model class "gate")
Values (or X-Axis and Y-Axis)
  • X-Axis: timeline
    • Dashed blocks indicate gate estimated start and finish dates.
    • Filled blocks indicate gate actual start and finish dates.
  • Y-Axis: gate projects.
Sorting The results are alphanumerically sorted, by project name.
Limits The timeline dynamically retrieves gates within the viewed time range.
Colors Gate color (both estimated and actual) depends on gate state (current meta). The color associated to each state can be configured in Preferences. For more information, see Configuring Facet Displays.
Available Views Timeline chart.
Interactions On this chart, you can:
  • Use to search tasks by name (exact, full name) in current viewport.
  • Use to zoom in and out of timeline. Alternatively, use Ctrl+Mouse wheel.
  • Use to scroll timeline horizontally. Alternatively, click and drag timeline to scroll horizontally and vertically.
Technical Details
  • Data model
    • Class: document (and inherited)

      • Inherited from document
        • Property: related_project

  • Mashup feed project