Business Objects |
Project (data model class "project_space ") |
Values (or X-Axis and Y-Axis) |
- X-Axis: timeline in week unit, based on actual and estimated time information
act_finish_date andest_finish_date .
- Y-Axis: columns and lines
- actual count of completed projects (
act_count ).
- estimated count of completed projects (
est_count ).
Sorting |
The results are chronologically sorted, from oldest to newest. |
Limits |
There is no limit on time. |
Colors |
Colors cannot be configured. |
Available Views |
Combined bar and line chart, full screen chart. |
Interactions |
On this chart, you can:
- Click the line or column to show only the selected element over time.
- Draw a rectangular area on the chart using drag-and-drop zooms on this
- Click
switch to fullscreen display.
Technical Details |
- Data model
Class: project_space
- Inherited from
- Property:
- Property:
- Mashup feed (
project )
est_finish_date dynamic date facet is defined with:
- expression:
- aggregation:
est_count = SUM(1)
act_finish_date dynamic date facet is defined with:
- expression:
- aggregation:
act_count = SUM(1)