Assigned Resources Percentage

This chart displays a set of high-level indicators to summarize current resource workload level with history overview:

  • Assigned resources percentage: percentage of assigned resource for noncompleted tasks.
  • Difference between planned and required resources: difference in man-days between estimated remaining effort and effort, which is done with allocated resources for noncompleted tasks.
  • Predicted overdue: Number of tasks that are most likely to not be completed at estimated end.
  • Predicted overdone: Number of tasks that are most likely to be completed before estimated end.

Business Objects Tasks (data model class "task")
Values (or X-Axis and Y-Axis)
  • X-Axis: timeline (week unit), based on history_weekofyear facet
  • Value and Y-Axis of timeline: aggregation value corresponding respectively to SUM of
    • Assigned resources percentage: snapshot documents (document_history_type field) without complete category on facet current.
    • Difference between planned and required resources: snapshot documents (document_history_type field).
    • Predicted overdue: snapshot documents (document_history_type field) without complete category on facet current and which are finishing after the estimated end date.
    • Predicted overdone: snapshot documents (document_history_type field) without complete category on facet current and which are finished before the estimated end date.
Sorting The results are sorted by time, the most recent results on the right.
Limits By default, only the last 12 weeks are displayed.
Colors Colors can be configured in Preferences. For more information, see Configuring Facet Displays.
Available Views Indicator values with history.
Interactions There is no possible interaction on this chart.
Technical Details
  • Consolidation

    • These indicators rely on snapshots computed by project_getProjectHistoryFromEnovia aggregation processor

  • Data model
  • Class: task(or inherited)
  • Property: document_history_datetime
  • Property: project_percent_complete
  • Property: task_percent_allocation
  • Property: project_estimated_finish_date
  • Mashup feed: project_history
      • history_weekofyear facet is added aggregations on feed

        • assigned_resources: SUM(#regex_match(document_history_type, 'snapshot') && !#has_category("Top/classproperties/current/complete", categories) ? #sum(task_percent_allocation) / 100 : 0)
        • diff_planned_needed: SUM(#regex_match(document_history_type, 'snapshot') && project_percent_complete < 100 ? (#sum(task_task_total_effort) > 0 ? #sum(task_task_total_effort) / ( 100 - project_percent_complete ) : remaining_allocated) : 0 - #regex_match(document_history_type, 'snapshot') && project_percent_complete < 100 ? allocated_resources * remaining_days : 0)
        • overdue: SUM(#regex_match(document_history_type, 'snapshot') && !#has_category("Top/classproperties/current/complete", categories) && #addperiod(#now(),remaining_days,0,0,0) > #extract(document_ram_datetime,'project_estimated_finish_date'))
        • overdone: SUM(#regex_match(document_history_type, 'snapshot') && !#has_category("Top/classproperties/current/complete", categories) && #addperiod(#now(),remaining_days,0,0,0) < #extract(document_ram_datetime,'project_estimated_finish_date'))