The administrator activates environment variables for debugging purposes:
: Variable used to have traces generated by the customization engine, explaining the problems encountered: scripts not found, scripts not valid syntactically, scripts failing at runtime for example. If set to 2, ThisObject and Parameters are dumped.
If the Trace
function is used in the script, the string passed to this function is traced too.
: Variable used to specify the opening ID to be traced and possibly the Type of the objects to be traced. It is also possible to provide a list of couples (OpeningID/Type of fact). To set the environment variables, separate the strings using a ';'.
The list of traces raised by the customization engine when the traces are activated is the following:
Business Rules execution
: <OpeningID>
: At the beginning of the execution, indicates which opening is triggered.
Business Rules validation
: <OpeningID>
: At the beginning of the validation exit, indicates which opening is triggered.
Operation validated
. Additional message added to the script: <Message>
Operation not validated
. Additional message added to the script: <Message>
Business Rules computation: <OpeningID>
: Indicates which opening is triggered.
Business Rules execution re-directed to script <ScriptName>
Business Rules execution failed because script <ScriptName> was not found in the runtime environment
: Indicates at the end of the script execution that no script was associated with the opening ID.
Business Rules execution failed because the syntax of the script <ScriptName> is invalid: <SyntaxErrorMessage>
: Indicates that the syntax of the script is invalid and shows the syntax error message.
Business Rules execution failed because script <ScriptName> execution produced an evaluation error: <EvaluationErrorMessage>:
: Indicates that the evaluation of the script raised an error and shows the evaluation error message.
The context of the business rules is (name=<Name>, user=<UserID>, security=<SecurityContext>.
: Provides information about the parameters of the opening.
Business Rules testing opening: <OpeningID> succeeded
: Traces the testing of the opening.
Business Rules testing opening: <OpeningID> failed
: Traces the testing of the opening.
Trace raised: <Traces>
: traces the message passed to the Trace
Message raised: <Message>
: traces the message passed to the Message
Redirection file read
: <Name of the .CATRuleExit file>.
Script file read
: <ScriptName>.
Script file not found or readable
: <ScriptName>.
Misplaced condition in redirection file <Name of the .CATRuleExit file>
Invalid tag <an XML tag> in redirection file <Name of the .CATRuleExit file>.
Invalid attributes for tag <an XML tag> in redirection file <Name of the .CATRuleExit file>
Opening <OpeningID> for type <Type> to script <Name of the .CATRule file> with condition <a condition> is eligible
Opening <OpeningID> for type <Type> to script <ScriptName> with condition <a condition> has been rejected
Opening <OpeningID> with condition <a condition> has been selected because of greater accuracy (= level of accuracy)