Context Object Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Read/Write | Comments |
iPartOccurrence | Object Type |
Read | Implemented design part. |
iFastenerOccurrence | Object Type | Read | Fastener to be industrialized. |
oDrillType | Integer | Write | Drill type of the fastener (1: PreDrill, 2: Drill, 3: NoDrill, 4: Skip it). |
oHoleDiameter | Real | Write | Diameter of the hole (in m). |
oHoleDepth | Real | Write | Depth of the hole (in m). |
oListOfComponents | List | Write | List of the fastener components to mount. |
The following sample shows how to retrieve the industrialization parameters of a fastener.
/* INPUTS */
Let PartOccurence(PLMEntity) /* the occurrence of design part */
Let FastenerOccurence(PLMEntity) /* the occurrence of fastener */
/* OUPUTS */
Let Components(List) /* the list of mounted components for input fastener*/
Let SubType(Integer) /* type of indus PreDrill = 1 Drill = 2 NoDrill = 3 NoRemoveMaterial = 4*/
Let Diameter(Real) /* hole diameter */
Let Depth(Real) /* hole depth */
set SubType=4
set Diameter=0.012 /* in meters */
set Depth=0.14 /* in meters */
Parameters.SetAttributeInteger ("oDrillType",SubType)
Parameters.SetAttributeReal ("oHoleDiameter",Diameter)
Parameters.SetAttributeReal ("oHoleDepth",Depth)
Parameters.SetAttributeObject ("oListOfComponents",Components)