Fastener Industrialization Parameters for Manufactured Part Generation (DELMA_ElementaryEndItemComputation)

An opening ID is an entry point used to customize business logic. Fastener Industrialization Parameters for Manufactured Part Generation specifies the opening ID run to retrieve the industrialization parameters of a fastener (Manufactured Part generation).

Note: For more information about customization by business rules, see Installation and Setup: Customize: Behavior: Data Setup: Customization by Business Rules.

This page discusses:

General Information

The table below provides you with information related to the definition of the opening ID.

PLM Opening ID: DELMA_ElementaryEndItemComputation
Customization intent: Execution
Execution context:Client

Input Objects

Input objects must be of the following types:

  • ThisObject: Reference of the Manufactured Part
  • Parameters corresponds to the context object.

Context Object Parameters

Parameter NameTypeRead/WriteComments
iPartOccurrenceObject Type Read Implemented design part.
iFastenerOccurrenceObject TypeRead Fastener to be industrialized.
oDrillTypeIntegerWriteDrill type of the fastener (1: PreDrill, 2: Drill, 3: NoDrill, 4: Skip it).
oHoleDiameter RealWriteDiameter of the hole (in m).
oHoleDepthRealWriteDepth of the hole (in m).
oListOfComponentsListWriteList of the fastener components to mount.


The following sample shows how to retrieve the industrialization parameters of a fastener.

/* INPUTS */

Let PartOccurence(PLMEntity)        /* the occurrence of design part */
Let FastenerOccurence(PLMEntity)    /* the occurrence of fastener */

/* OUPUTS */

Let Components(List)                /* the list of mounted components for input fastener*/

Let SubType(Integer)                /* type of indus PreDrill = 1 Drill = 2 NoDrill = 3 NoRemoveMaterial = 4*/
Let Diameter(Real)                  /* hole diameter */ 
Let Depth(Real)                     /* hole depth */

set SubType=4  
set Diameter=0.012  /* in meters */
set Depth=0.14      /* in meters */

Parameters.SetAttributeInteger ("oDrillType",SubType)
Parameters.SetAttributeReal ("oHoleDiameter",Diameter)
Parameters.SetAttributeReal ("oHoleDepth",Depth)
Parameters.SetAttributeObject ("oListOfComponents",Components)