Validate Cable Route (L2P_ValidateCableRoute)

An opening ID is an entry point used to customize business logic. The Validate Cable Route opening ID is available in the Logical to Physical Assistant - Electrical Resources resource set.

Note: For more information about customization by business rules, see Installation and Setup: Customize: Behavior: Data Setup: Customization by Business Rules.

This page discusses:

General Information

This opening ID is invoked to validate the route of physical cables on synchronization.

Definition Description
PLM Opening ID L2P_ValidateCableRoute
Customization intent Validation
Execution context Client

Input Objects

Input objects must be of the following types:

  • ThisObject: an L2PItem_Cable for which you want to verify whether the route is valid during synchronization.
  • Parameters corresponds to the context object.
  • Validation: Boolean output that appears after synchronization to indicate whether the unitary cable forms a valid route.


let sExpectedSeg (STRING)
let sCurrentSeg (STRING)
let fromDevItemExp (L2PItem)
let toDevItemExp (L2PItem)
let fromDevItemCur (L2PItem)
let toDevItemCur (L2PItem)
let fromCavExp (Elec3DCavity)
let toCavExp (Elec3DCavity)
let fromCavCur (Elec3DCavity)
let toCavCur (Elec3DCavity)

set sExpectedSeg = ThisObject.ExpectedSegregation
set sCurrentSeg = ThisObject.CurrentSegregation
set fromDevItemExp = ThisObject.ExpectedFromDevice
set toDevItemExp = ThisObject.CurrentFromDevice
set fromDevItemCur = ThisObject.ExpectedToDevice
set toDevItemCur = ThisObject.CurrentToDevice
set fromCavExp = ThisObject.ExpectedFromCavity
set toCavExp = ThisObject.CurrentFromCavity
set fromCavCur = ThisObject.ExpectedToCavity
set toCavCur = ThisObject.CurrentTocavity

if((sExpectedSeg <> sCurrentSeg) or (fromDevItemExp <> fromDevItemCur) or (toDevItemExp <> toDevItemCur) or (fromCavExp <> fromCavCur) or (toCavExp <> toCavCur))
	// If the segreation or the ends are to be modified during synchronization, route should be cleared
	set Validation = false
	Parameters.Message = "Route is impacted, so will be invalid after synchronization"
	set Validation = true
	Parameters.Message = "Modification does not impact route. No need to change it."