Accommodation Design Resources: Available Resources

A resource is a PLM object (for example, a catalog or a business rule) or another type of file (for example, a bitmap or a spreadsheet). In Data Setup, resources are grouped in resource sets. A resource set is a PLM object that implements a single resource table. This topic lists available resources in Accommodation Resources.

For the sample files, see 3DEXPERIENCE Native Apps Content Reference Guide: Accommodation Design.

Logical NameResource TypeMandatoryCriteriaDescription
Project DictionaryKnow-how Apps ComponentYes-Contains user classes and attributes.
Covering MaterialSheetYes-Contains a material table for coverings.
Connector MaterialSheetYes-Contains a material table for connectors.
Wall MaterialSheetYes-Contains a material table for walls.
Sill MaterialSheetYes-Contains a material table for sills.
Ceiling MaterialSheetYes-Contains a material table for ceilings.
Annotation CatalogCatalogNo-Catalog containing the text templates used while generating drawings.
Color IDBusiness RuleNoFactTypeManages the color and transparency of various accommodation design objects such as walls, ceilings, coverings, sills, etc.