General InformationThis opening ID can be invoked while configuring harnesses using the Harness Configuration command. For more information, see Electrical 3D Design User's Guide: Generating a Configured Harness.
Input ObjectsInput objects must be of the following types:
let ListInputRoutable(LIST) let ListAttr(LIST) let ListListAttrValues(LIST) let ListAttrValues(LIST) let ListAttrValues1(LIST) let currentObj (Feature) let condOcc(Elec3DConductorOccurrence) let condGroupOcc(Elec3DConductorGroupOccurrence) let ElecCond (ElecConductor) let condElec (Elec3DConductor) let condGrpElec (Elec3DConductorGroup) let condFeat (Conductor) let condGrpFeat (ConductorGroup) let CInstance (VPMInstance) let CRef (VPMReference) let index (INTEGER) let index2 (INTEGER) let strAttr(STRING) let routeLen(LENGTH) let condMass(MASS) set ListInputRoutable = Parameters.GetAttributeObject("ListRoutables") ListAttr = Parameters.GetAttributeObject("ListAttributes") ListListAttrValues = Parameters.GetAttributeObject("ListAttributeValues") if (NULL <> ListInputRoutable) { index = 1 for index while index <= ListInputRoutable.Size() { set currentObj = ListInputRoutable.GetItem(index) set condOcc = currentObj set condGroupOcc = currentObj set condFeat=ListInputRoutable.GetItem(index) set condGrpFeat=NULL set ElecCond = ListInputRoutable.GetItem(index) ListAttrValues.RemoveAll() index2 = 1 for index2 while index2 <= ListAttr.Size() { set strAttr = ListAttr.GetItem(index2) if(strAttr == "Sep Code") { ListAttrValues.Append(condFeat.Elec_Sep_Code) } else if(strAttr == "Length" ) { let len(LENGTH) len = condFeat.Elec_Length ListAttrValues.Append(len) } else ListAttrValues.Append("NA") } ListListAttrValues.Append(ListAttrValues) } } if(ListListAttrValues.Size() <> ListInputRoutable.Size()) { Parameters.SetAttributeInteger("severity", 2) Parameters.SetAttributeString("Message", "Computation Failed!") } else { Parameters.SetAttributeInteger("severity", 0) Parameters.SetAttributeObject("ListAttributeValues", ListListAttrValues) } |