Compute Corresponding Logical Element (L2P_ComputeCorrespondingLogical)

An opening ID is an entry point used to customize business logic. The Compute corresponding logical element opening ID is available in the Logical to physical synchronization resources set and it is used to compute logical element of a physical element for synchronization.

Note: For more information about customization by business rules, see Installation and Setup: Customize: Behavior: Data Setup: Customization by Business Rules.

This page discusses:

General Information

This opening ID is invoked during the Logical to Physical synchronization, for the selected elements, the Business Rule will compute the logical element corresponding to the input physical element in input logical context. The rule will be applicable only if no implement link is found for the physical elements (system, devices, and routables).

By default, if no implement link is found, synchronization of physical element is not performed. Such physical elements will be considered as extra elements.

This computation rule will be triggered during analysis if no implement link is found for a physical element.

The table below provides you with information related to the definition of the Opening ID.

PLM Opening ID: L2P_ComputeCorrespondingLogical
Customization intent: Computation
Execution context:Client

Input Objects

Input objects must be of the following types:

  • ThisObject: The physical element being analyzed for synchronization.
  • Parameters corresponds to the context object. Message attribute will be displayed in the synchronization report.

If the business rule output L2PLogicalElement is invalid, the physical element will be treated as an extra element and will not be synchronized.

Context Object Parameters

Parameter NameTypeRead/WriteComments
L2PLogicalRootPLM Entity ReadThe input logical root in which corresponding logical element is to be searched.
L2PLogicalElementPLM Entity ReadThe output corresponding logical element.
L2PCreateImplementLinkBoolean WriteThe output Boolean, should be set as TRUE, is the implement link that should be created during synchronization.
L2PCreateRefRefLinkBooleanWriteThis parameter is added to the rule if ThisObject is a system.

Moreover, the output is used only if an implement link is to be created, that is output L2PCreateImplementLink returns TRUE.

For more information, see Electrical 3D Design User's Guide: Synchronizing Physical Data with Logical Data: Synchronizing in an Intermediate Level.


The following sample illustrates how to find an instance name correspondence between a physical component and a logical component. This correspondence enables the creation of an implement link between the two components.

/* ThisObject = VPMInstance  */ 

let ChildtoplaceEQT (Feature)
let Listchild (List)
let LogRoot (RFLVPMLogicalReference)
let index (Integer)
let nbChild (Integer)
let Child (Feature)
let ComponentName(String)
let Feature(Feature)

set index = 1

LogRoot = Parameters.GetAttributeObject("L2PLogicalRoot")
Listchild = LogRoot.Children
nbChild = Listchild->Size()

For index while index <= nbChild

	set Child = Listchild->GetItem(index)

	Feature = ThisObject.Reference
	ComponentName = Feature.Name
	if(Child.Name == ComponentName) 
		Parameters.SetAttributeObject("L2PLogicalElement", Child)
		Parameters.SetAttributeBoolean("L2PCreateImplementLink", true)
		Parameters.SetAttributeInteger("Severity", 1)
		Parameters.SetAttributeString("Message", " Corresponding Logical Found" )
		Parameters.SetAttributeInteger("Severity", 1)
		Parameters.SetAttributeString("Message", " Logical  not Found ")