Transfer Ownership Action (PLMActionTransferOwnership)

An opening ID is an entry point used to customize business logic. Transfer Ownership Action operates some modifications of the attributes of the PLM Component.

Note: For more information about customization by business rules, see Installation and Setup: Customize: Behavior: Data Setup: Customization by Business Rules.

This page discusses:

Environment: On premises only

General Information

This opening ID isafter having transferred the ownership a component.

The table below provides you with information related to the definition of the Opening ID.

Opening ID: PLMActionTransferOwnership
Customization intent: Execution
Execution context:Server

Input Objects

Input objects must be of the following types:

  • ThisObject
  • Parameters corresponds to the context object.
  • Validation

Context Object Parameters

Parameter NameTypeRead/WriteComments
PolicyString ReadPolicy name.


The following sample shows you how to set the object description using the PLMActionTransferOwnership rule.

/* ----------------- */
/*      Declare      */
/* ----------------- */

/* ----------------------------------------------- */
/*    Set the object description   */
/* ----------------------------------------------- */
ThisObject.V_description = "description set by TransferOwnershipActionRule"