General InformationThe annotations inside the label symbol which are returned by the rule are automatically instantiated on any symbol or route placed or routed in view.
Input ObjectsInput objects must be of the following types:
Context Object Parameters
SamplesIn the first sample, the rule returns the label symbol name as “MainLabel” if the representation mode is the main one otherwise it returns the name as “CalledLabel”.
let ThisOccObject (LogicalOccurrence) set ThisOccObject = ThisObject Let output_str_Label_Name(String) Let Is_Main(Boolean) set Is_Main = Parameters.GetAttributeBoolean ("Is_Main") if(true == Is_Main) set output_str_Label_Name = "MainLabel" else set output_str_Label_Name = "CalledLabel" Parameters.SetAttributeString ("Label_Symbol_Name", output_str_Label_Name) In the second sample, the rule takes the first text of the input list as the text to set on the zones of a zone category.
Let currentZoneCategory(String) currentZoneCategory = ThisObject.Sch_Zone_Category Parameters.SetAttributeString("Label_Symbol_Name",currentZoneCategory)
When creating an automatic text for a zone category, you need to assign the same name
to the Default Label resource values and to the zone category.