Compute Contact Part Number (ELE_ComputeContactPartNumber)

An opening ID is an entry point used to customize business logic. The Compute Contact Part Number opening ID, available in the Electrical Logical Resources resource set, changes the default behavior on the filters used for the computation of contact part number.

Note: For more information about customization by business rules, see Installation and Setup: Customize: Behavior: Data Setup: Customization by Business Rules.

This page discusses:

General Information

This opening ID is invoked durong the computation of the contact part number.

Definition Description
PLM Opening ID ELE_ComputeContactPartNumber
Customization intent Computation
Execution context Client

Input Objects

Input objects must be of the following types:

  • ThisObject: Logical occurrence
  • Parameters corresponds to the context object.

Context Object Parameters

Parameter Name Type Read or Write Comments
LogicalOccurrence occurence Read Logical Occurrence used as basis for the filter. The logical occurrence allows navigation and call of APIs if needed for the filter
ListFilteredAttributes (output) List Write List of attributes that are used on the Engineering Specification Capture & Reuse filter. Those attributes must be present in the parts of the filter. This list must be filled inside the business rule.
ListReferenceValues (output) List Write List of reference values that are used in the filter, one per attribute. Those values are computed in the business rule using the input components attributes. For example, it counts the number of wires in a cable using knowledge functions. This list has to be filled inside the business rule.
ListFilterOperators (output) List Write List of operators to be used for each attribute and attribute value. This list must be filled inside the business rule. These operators match the proposed operators by Engineering Specification Capture & Reuse:

== Element must have a value equal to the reference value
>= Element must have a value greater or equal to the reference value
<= Element must have a value smaller or equal to the reference value
> Element must have a value greater to the reference value
< Element must have a value smaller or equal to the reference value


let ListAttributeFilters (List)
let ListAttributeReferenceValues (List)
let ListAttributeOperators (List)
let LogicalOcurrenceCable(LogicalOccurrence)
let Cavity(RFLVPMLogicalPort)

set Cavity = Parameters.GetAttributeObject("Port")

