Get Equipment Sub-Type and Current (ELE_GetEquipmentSubTypeAndNominalCurrent)

An opening ID is an entry point used to customize business logic.. The Get Equipment Sub-Type and Current opening ID is available in the Electrical Logical Resources resource set and is used to define how the equipment must be considered: as a fuse, as a charge, as a switch or as a mass.

Note: For more information about customization by business rules, see Installation and Setup: Customize: Behavior: Data Setup: Customization by Business Rules.

This page discusses:

General Information

This opening ID is invoked during the Electrical Calculation command.

PLM Opening IDELE_GetEquipmentSubTypeAndNominalCurrent
Customization intent Execution
Execution context Client

Input Objects

Input objects must be of the following types:

  • ThisObject: equipment occurrence (LogicalEquipmentOcc)
  • Parameters corresponds to the context object.

Context Object Parameters

Parameter NameTypeRead or WriteComments
EqtPin EleLogicalPinReadThe pin of the equipment
oEqtSubTypeInteger WriteEnter one of following values:
  • 0: unknown
  • 1: Fuse
  • 2: Charge
  • 3: Switch
oNominalCurrentReal Write The nominal current of the pin or equipment in ampere [A].


/* Rule : ELE_GetEquipmentSubTypeAndNominalCurrent 
This rule reads 2 pins attributes: V_Elec_SubType  and V_Elec_NominalCurrent */
/* ThisObject : #In LogicalEquipmentOcc, Parameters : #In RuleContext */
// input args 
let eqtPin(EleLogicalPin)

// output args
let EqtSubType(Integer)
let onominalCurrent(Real)

let strEqtTyp(String)
let nominalCurrent(COURANT)

set eqtPin = Parameters.GetAttributeObject("EqtPin")
if (eqtPin <> NULL)
	strEqtTyp = eqtPin->GetAttributeString("V_Elec_SubType") 
	if (strEqtTyp == "Fuse") EqtSubType = 1
	else if (strEqtTyp == "Switch") EqtSubType = 3
	else if (strEqtTyp == "Charge") EqtSubType = 2

	nominalCurrent = eqtPin.V_Elec_NominalCurrent     // value is in A or mA (as set in Me-Preference)
	onominalCurrent = eqtPin->GetAttributeReal("V_Elec_NominalCurrent")      // value has no Unit, value returned is in A (even if Me-Preference says that electrical intensity is in mA
Parameters.SetAttributeInteger("oEqtSubType", EqtSubType) 
Parameters.SetAttributeReal("oNominalCurrent", onominalCurrent)