Hanger Application Resources: Available Resources

A resource is a PLM object (for example, a catalog or a business rule) or another type of file (for example, a bitmap or a spreadsheet). In Data Setup, resources are grouped in resource sets. A resource set is a PLM object that implements a single resource table. This topic lists available resources in Hanger Application Resources.

For the sample files, see 3DEXPERIENCE Native Apps Content Reference Guide: Hanger Design.

Logical Name EKL Name Resource Type Mandatory Criteria Description
Hanger Catalog resource Catalog No

Contextual Hanger Chapter Name

Standard Hanger Chapter Name

Catalog for contextual and standard hangers.
Hanger Attributes Table Sheet Yes - Table of hangers accessible in collaborative set.
Hanger Library resource General Library No

Contextual Hanger Class Name

Standard Hanger Class Name

Library for contextual and standard hangers.