Compute Segment Material Properties (EHI_ComputeSegmentMaterialProperties)

An opening ID is an entry point used to customize business logic. The Compute segment material properties opening ID allows you to compute the material properties of segments in FLEX mode. Unlike the Standard mode, FLEX uses the material properties of the segment, protective coverings and conductors passing through it to compute a more realistic segment curve.

This opening ID is available in the Electrical physical system design resources resource set.

Note: For more information about customization by business rules, see Installation and Setup: Customize: Behavior: Data Setup: Customization by Business Rules.

This page discusses:

General Information

This opening ID is invoked when working with the FLEX algorithm. For more information, see Electrical 3D Part Design: Creating Branches: Using the FLEX Algorithm.

This opening ID is used to customize the properties of a material to compute the shape of a segment section.

The table below provides you with information related to the definition of the Opening ID.

PLM Opening ID: (EHI_ComputeSegmentMaterialProperties)
Customization intent: Computation
Execution context:Client

Input Objects

Input objects must be of the following types:

  • ThisObject: Segment for which material properties are computed.
  • Parameters corresponds to the context object.
  • Severity Messages: This is a standard information out of context. The value of this parameter is interpreted during curve computation as follows:
    • Severity= 0: The computed material properties is applied for FLEX computation.
    • Severity= 1: If the business rule computes with a warning, the computed properties are still used.
    • Severity= 2: To indicate an error in the computation, the computed properties are not applied.

Context Object Parameters

Parameter NameTypeRead/WriteComments
SegmentProfileInteger ReadIndicates a segment profile. Possible values:
  • 0 = none
  • 1 = Circle
  • 2 = Ellipse
  • 3 = Rectangle.
ProfileDimension1LengthRead Segment profile first dimension
ProfileDimension2LengthReadSegment profile first dimension
SegmentFlexibilityRealRead Segment flexibility value
StartAbscissaRealReadThe start abscissa at which computation of material properties are to be started.
EndAbscissaRealReadThe end abscissa at which computation of material properties should end.
RatioToBendRealWrite Computed ratio to bend value for ThisObject segment
RatioToTwistRealWriteComputed ratio to twist value for ThisObject segment.


The following sample illustrates the syntax of the business rule.

/* CATRule signature (do not edit) : (ThisObject : #In Segment, Parameters : #In RuleContext) : 
                                                                                                #Void */

Let SegmentProfile (INTEGER)
Let nbOfWiresWireGroups (INTEGER)
Let nbOfCoverings (INTEGER)
Let index (INTEGER)
Let Severity (INTEGER)
Let ProfileDimension1 (REAL)
Let ProfileDimension2 (REAL)
Let StartAbscissa (LENGTH)
Let EndAbscissa (LENGTH)
Let SegmentFlexibility (REAL)
Let YoungModulusEquivalent (REAL)
Let RatioToBend (REAL)
Let RatioToTwist (REAL)
Let ListConductors (LIST)
Let ListCoverings (LIST)
Let WireDia (REAL)
Let WireOuterDia (REAL)
Let result (BOOLEAN)
Let Message (STRING)
Let Tape (InternalTapeProtection)
Let Adaptive (InternalAdaptiveProtection)
Let Conductor (Conductor)
Let SectionConductor (REAL)
Let TotalSectionConductor (REAL)
Let TotalYMSection (REAL)
Let TotalSection (REAL)
Let MidSection (REAL)
Let SegmentLength (LENGTH)
Let SegmentExtremity1 (SegmentExtremity)
Let SegmentExtremity2 (SegmentExtremity)

/* Initialize the output */
set YoungModulusEquivalent = 1.24*1e9
set RatioToBend = 1
set RatioToTwist = 0.01
set Severity = 1
set Message = "Default business rule message"
set MidSection = 0.5

/* Possible values (0 = none, 1 = Circle, 2 = Ellipse, 3 = Rectangle) */
set SegmentProfile = Parameters.GetAttributeInteger("SegmentProfile")
set SegmentFlexibility = Parameters.GetAttributeReal("SegmentFlexibility")
set ProfileDimension1 = Parameters.GetAttributeReal("ProfileDimension1")
set ProfileDimension2 = Parameters.GetAttributeReal("ProfileDimension2")
set StartAbscissa = Parameters.GetAttributeReal("StartAbscissa")
set EndAbscissa = Parameters.GetAttributeReal("EndAbscissa")
set SegmentLength = ThisObject.Elec_Length

/* List all wires */
set nbOfWiresWireGroups = 0
ListConductors = ThisObject.IncludedWires
if(NULL <> ListConductors) 
   set nbOfWiresWireGroups = ListConductors->Size()
if(1 <= nbOfWiresWireGroups)
    set TotalYMSection = 0.0
    set TotalSection = 0.0
    result = false
    index = 1
    for index while index <= nbOfWiresWireGroups
        set Conductor = ListConductors->GetItem(index)
        if(NULL <> Conductor)
            result = true
            WireDia = Conductor.Elec_Diameter
            WireOuterDia = Conductor.Elec_OutsideDiameter
            SectionConductor = 3.14*(WireDia/2)*(WireDia/2)
                    TotalSectionConductor = 3.14*(WireOuterDia/2)*(WireOuterDia/2)
            TotalYMSection = TotalYMSection + (124*1e11 * SectionConductor + 1.5*1e09*(TotalSectionConductor
            TotalSection = TotalSection + TotalSectionConductor 
    if( (result == true) and (0.001 <= TotalSection) )
        set YoungModulusEquivalent = TotalYMSection/TotalSection
    set RatioToBend = 1
    set RatioToTwist = 0.01
    /* List all protections */
    if(0.001 <= SegmentLength)
         set MidSection = StartAbscissa + (EndAbscissa - StartAbscissa)/2.0
         set MidSection = MidSection/SegmentLength

    result = ThisObject->Elec_BundleSegmentExtremities(SegmentExtremity1, SegmentExtremity2)
    if(SegmentExtremity1 <> NULL)
    result = ListAllOuterLayerObjects(SegmentExtremity1, MidSection, ListCoverings, 1)
    if( NULL <> ListCoverings)
        nbOfCoverings = ListCoverings->Size()
    if( (1 <= SegmentFlexibility) and (SegmentFlexibility < 2) )
        if(0 == nbOfCoverings)
            set YoungModulusEquivalent = 1.24*1e11
    set RatioToBend = 1
    set RatioToTwist = 0.01
    else if( (2 <= SegmentFlexibility) and (SegmentFlexibility < 3) )
        if(0 == nbOfCoverings)
            set YoungModulusEquivalent = 1.24*1e10
        set RatioToBend = 1
    set RatioToTwist = 0.01
    else if( (4 <= SegmentFlexibility) and (SegmentFlexibility < 5)) 
        if(1 <= nbOfCoverings)
            set YoungModulusEquivalent = nbOfCoverings*1.24*1e10
        set YoungModulusEquivalent = 1.24*1e8
        set RatioToBend = 10
        set RatioToTwist = 0.01
    else if(SegmentFlexibility >= 5)
        if(1 <= nbOfCoverings)
            set YoungModulusEquivalent = nbOfCoverings*1.24*1e10
        set YoungModulusEquivalent = 1.24*1e8
        set RatioToBend = 100
        set RatioToTwist = 0.01

Parameters.SetAttributeReal("YoungModulusEquivalent", YoungModulusEquivalent)
Parameters.SetAttributeReal("RatioToBend", RatioToBend)
Parameters.SetAttributeReal("RatioToTwist", RatioToTwist)
Parameters.SetAttributeInteger("Severity", Severity)
Parameters.SetAttributeString("Message", Message)